Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Over The River And Through The Woods . . .

My "City Girls" heading out to the Country!
(Lexi's watching Twilight on her Ipod, and Erica is engrossed in a book)

But look at what we found when we got there!

Yes, I survived another weekend out doors!
Camping twice in one year, can you believe it?!

Love birds on a Bridge!

And look what we found:
those children's books I used to read my kids were true.
There are Trolls under the bridge!

We had a down pour and a flash flood that same day,
that is the bridge Kyle and Zach were standing under earlier that day,
it now has water up to the bridge!

This time Camping was different.
It was a family reunion with my husbands family.

John with some of the fam. playing "Farkle!"

We got an impromptu song and dance number! :)
(Heather, Jamie, and John's sister Marti)

We went to a state park. Dead Horse Ranch. In Cottonwood, Arizona.

The Boys showing off what they've learned from 'Man-vs-Wild'

We stayed in Cabins. It was actually pretty nice.
Those of us who live in the desert, get excited when we get storms!
And boy, did we get a storm.

Trying to cook in the down pour!

Hail in Arizona!

The Fire pit was surrounded by ankle deep water after the rain.
Everyone told Kyle there's no way he could start a fire in that.

He did!
Remember, his Mother never taught him he shouldn't play with fire!

John's Parents, two of his sisters,
many Nieces, Nephews and their families came.
From four different states.

Me, John's Sister Pat, and his nieces Heather and Jamie!

John, his nephew Brian, Zach and Kyle.

We had a total of 36 people there. (And 4 Dogs!)

Father and sons!

Me with Lyssa, shes married to John's nieces stepson.
We met for the first time on Thanksgiving.
We discovered we're both Bloggers, and struck up a friendship.
I'm glad she's part of the family.
(Though we did discover that I'm older than her Mother. Ouch!)

It was a nice get away, and fun to be all together.

Dad and Mom!

The Gang!
(This was after 8 people had already left though!)

Good Times, Great Memories!


  1. Hi Star! Popping over from SITS Roll Call to visit.

    Wow, great pics and what a fun time it looks like y'all had! Love the bridge trolls LOL..

    Have a great rest of the week!

  2. This is so funny...another blog I follow posted the same day as you posted this post, her title is "Over The Hill And Through The Dale" ahahhaha! I almost thought I was going mad and seeing double!!!!

  3. These pictures look like sooooooo much fun, Starry!!!!! :D :D
