Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Next, Next Generation Of Worship Leaders

You remember I did a post of how the boys (and the youth band) helped lead Worship in Church. Well, not to be outdone by their brothers, now it's the girls turn! Erica and Lexi have been on the Praise Dance team in Kids Church where they dance and do the motions to the songs up on stage. And they recently decided to have kids do the singing as well, so they held auditions. Erica wanted to audition, she loves to sing, and she made it, and Lexi chose to stay on the dance team.

This past Sunday was Erica's first time to sing in front of all the kids. So, she asked if I would come in to kids church and see her. So I did. And when John was done with Worship in the other building (Big Church) he came over too and was able to see the girls following in his footsteps and helping to lead others in Worship. It was so much fun to see them in a place of leadership among their peers. Oh, to have that much energy again.
Great job Erica and Lexi! I'm so proud of you both.