Saturday, October 3, 2009

12 X 2

Today is my baby girls' 12th Birthday!

We celebrated by going out to lunch (to the restaurant of their choice)
YC's Mongolian Grill. Lot's of fun and lots of food!

Then, they chose to go Ice Skating.
More fun.

We surprised them by having their friend Cailin, meet us there,
who is also spending the night.
(She, and her sister are among their BFF's,
but her sister Isabeau was out of town!)

It's been a long time since I've Ice skated.
And I soon became the "falling Star"

I may have been skating with 12 year olds,
but, I can certainly tell I am not 12 years old!
I will pay for this tomorrow.

I'm so proud of my girls,
and the young ladies they are becoming.

Happy Birthday Erica & Alexia
You'll always be my baby girls!


  1. Hey,
    Just stopping by from SITS rollcall. Your daughters are beautiful! Wow, twins, huh? That's awesome! OH, and by the way, I played flute so seeing those pictures of them at their concert brought back some memories! Happy birthday to them!


  2. looks like fun! I love that last pic!

    hanks for stopping by my blog on my special sits day, and for your comments.

    Did you enter either of my two giveaways?

    the buzz,

  3. OMGosh!! That was such a sweet picture of you and the girls!!! I love it!

  4. Happy Birthday to your beautiful girls! The FUN teen years are just ahead. My daughter turns 16 next week and I have loved the time since she was 12. So much to talk about, so much fun to have.... so much shopping. Enjoy!

  5. Beautiful young women you have there, Starry! And just look at that last photo of them and you! They look exactly like angels!!!!

  6. I am finally catching up a bit with your blog! I just *love* that picture of you and Erica and Lexi asleep together, cuddling. So precious! I am so thankful that our girls are BFFs!

    Love ya!
