Friday, October 2, 2009

Let The Music Play On, Play On . . .

The girls in front of the auditorium

The girls just had their very first 6th grade band concert of the year.

Erica standing while playing her insturment

And let me tell you, there is a big difference between the 5th grade band
and the 6th grade band!

Erica, striking a pose with her horn

Erica plays the French Horn. (The only one in the Band!)

Lexi, front and center playing with the other flautists

Lexi loves playing the Flute.

Lexi with her Flute

The other day at work someone asked me if my whole family is musical.
My response: Everyone but me! :)


  1. I love how all your kids play different instruments. When will the Forbis Band release their first recording?

  2. Your girls are growing up to be so beautiful AND talented individuals, Starry! :)

    Please come over to my blog asap because I've got something for you!!!!! :)

  3. How proud you must be!

    p.s. Thanks for stopping by my blog when I was SITS featured blogger!

  4. Your right there was a BIG difference between the 5th and 6th. I really like their teacher. He seemed to have a fun personality! Great job girls.
