Wednesday, October 21, 2009


My Husband John has always been a Rock N Roller! (Me, I was more of a Disco Queen, or a Pop Princess!) And when he was a Teenager he went to his very first concert ever to see the J. Giles Band. (Remember them? "Freeze Frame!" or "My Angel is a Centerfold") And they had opening up for them some unknown band with the weird name of U2. As he tells it, they didn't have high expectations of what this band would be. . . Until they heard them. He said they brought U2 back out for at least 3 encores, and J. Giles Band, not 1! He's been a huge fan ever since.

The stage is set

Awesome light show!

A few months ago our Church did a series called The Gospel According To U2. John and his band covered a U2 song each week that went along with our Pastor's message. You can hear some of the songs they did here! John is singing on one of the tunes and/or playing Guitar or Drums on all of them. (Kyle played the drums on the other songs) Shauna is the other singer (or as we called them, Johno & Shauno, as opposed to Bono!)

The girls from the gang we went with! All of whom are "Fergulicious!"
(l to r: Renee', Christen, Jena, Tara, Melissa & me,
none of the guys wanted to waste the time for pictures,
they had to get to the concert!)

The same month we were doing The Gospel According to U2, tickets went on sale for their tour. They were coming to Phoenix in October! John has always wanted to see them again since that first concert, so we, along with some of the other Church staff (and a bunch of other people we know) bought tickets. John's Birthday is in October, so it made the perfect Birthday gift!

Us in the stadium!

Well October finally got here! Last night was the concert. And let me tell you seeing U2 isn't just a concert, it's an experience! They put on an amazing show! Opening for U2 was The Black Eyed Peas. I was unsure if I would like them, they seem a little wild for my taste. (I'm old remember!) But I have to say, I really enjoyed them. And Fergie did "Big Girls Don't Cry" a song I love off her solo album.

The Black Eyed Peas

Fergie, doing her thang!

It was so much fun! They have the biggest set I've ever seen. The concert was at the University of Phoenix Stadium where the Arizona Cardinals play. (Next years Super Bowl Champs BTW) The roof was open. Both groups rocked the house! Both were just great!



John was like a kid in a candy store! I'm so glad we got to go!

They were introduced as The Greatest Rock Band of all time!

Happy Birthday Babe! You Rock!


  1. So awesome you got to go! Steve wanted to go so bad when they were here...apparently they will live stream a concert on YouTube in a couple of days.

  2. So awesome! I would love to see them in concert some day!!

    Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day!! =)

  3. It is true. It IS FINAL. YOU- THE FORBIS'- YOU are the cooooollllessssssttttt pastor family, EVER!!! i love you guys!!!! Holler!!!! ;-) love you, Starry!!! :)

  4. Wow! That looks like a great time.

    Stopping by via SITS.
    Have a great weekend!

  5. Happy Saturday SITS Sharefest! Such great timing to see your current post! I'm going to see U2 on Sunday at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. I can't wait. Me and 99,999 other people! Have a great weekend!

    aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  6. How much does this look star! You all look great and so happy.

    Thank you so much for your kind visit. You're always welcome!

    Many blessings, ~Melissa :)

  7. I meant to much fun!

    Excuse my typos. We have a new keyboard on order...Oops!
