Friday, November 27, 2009

Guest Blogger: Lexi Forbis

This week at school i was asked to do a poem to give thanks to your parents. We had to list things we are thankful for that our mom and dad do for us now, and did when we were younger. They have to be good things not stupid like thanks for the food you give me, thanks for the home I have. It had to be remembering things that they did for you when you were younger, like thanks for helping me, and taking care of me when I was sick, and was a baby. Things like that. And here is my poem I wrote.

By Alexia Forbis

•For helping my pain go away when I cracked my head open twice.

•For taking me to Disneyland when I was in kindergarten through 3rd grade, every summer.

•For the love you give me every day.

•For keeping me strong and brave when I was frightened.

•For letting me know you are there in rough times.

•For telling me: "I can do it, don't give up, keep practicing your Flute."

•For giving me courage in all the things I do.

• For staying home with me when I am sick, when you should be at work.

•For providing me with a loving family, and the warm home you give me.

•For caring about me, and knowing when I do the wrong thing.

•For tucking me in bed when I was little.

•For telling me when times are rough, and I need to know.

•For helping me when I fell at the park and hit my leg on the corner of the balance beam,
and lost some of my shin.

That is what I did for my poem,
<3<3 Lexi


  1. I love it!!! That was so sweet of you Lexi!!! What a wonderful gift you just gave your parents!!!

  2. wow, what a wonderful way to say thank you to your parents!I hope my daughter growa up to be just like you. She's five now. :)

    visiting from SITS saturday Sharefest, so glad I dropped by!

  3. Thanks for stopping by! Nice to "meet" you too :) Come back soon. Your blog is fun too! That poem is wonderful... children are such a gift! Happy SITS Saturday!

  4. Great Job Lexi! Thanks for being my very first Guest Blogger.

    And "Your Welcome" for all the things you thanked us for! :)

    Love you.
