Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I am thankful for Family! For years when we lived out of state, it was on Thanksgiving that I missed my family the most. When you have young children, Christmas can never be lonely. But, Thanksgiving with it's traditions, is never the same when you're not at home.

So, now that we are back home in Arizona, within driving distance of both sides of our family, we will celebrate Thanksgiving twice. We could, like many people do, go every other year, to one side of the family, then the next year go to the other side of the family.

But having lived away, and not been able to go to either side, and then John & I have both lost sisters much too young. (both in their 40's!) As well as my Dad. We realize all too well that life can be short.

And we just realize that, this year could be someone we love's last Thanksgiving on earth. And what if this wasn't our year to be with that side of the family?! (And especially this year, as we very well could possibly be moving again in the near future!) So, we decided that as long as it is in our power to do so, we will see both sides of the family on Thanksgiving Day.

So, today we will drive an hour to John's parents house and have Thanksgiving dinner with the Forbis'! Then we will drive another hour up to my brothers house, and play games, hang out, and eat left overs with the Fink's. Then we will drive another hour back home. And that is what we've done every Thanksgiving that we've lived in Arizona. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

We are Blessed to have the families that we have.
And today and everyday, I am Thankful for them.

1 comment:

  1. I love your tradition of seeing both sides on Thanksgiving. I hope you get to keep it up for many more years to come!
