Monday, November 2, 2009

Playing Dress Up!

I thought, just for fun, I'd share with you our families costumes for Halloween:

I was a Hawaiian girl, and John was a Baseball Player!

I needed to be something I could work in, that was comfortable & cute!
We dressed up for work that day! It was fun.

Kyle was a "Surfer Dude" with Olivia as his Life Guard!

I think he liked that long blond wig a little too much!

Then, my girls, being on the Twilight bandwagon, would only go as Vampires!



That evening some friends had us over to eat, play games,
hand out candy & Trick or Treat.

And Zach went as a Rubik's Cube!

He can actually do a Rubik's Cube!
His record is 59 seconds,
from when you hand him one, all messed up,
for him to have it all put together right!
(I can not even come close to solving it!)

This is what we did with his costume at the end of the night,
put it on the fire pit!
And watched it go up in flames!
Talk about ending the night with a big bang!

I hope you & yours had a fun and safe weekend too!

1 comment:

  1. Kyle should grow his hair long, and dye it blonde!!!! He looks SO great in that hair!!!! And I mean it!!!!

    That's so sweet...he's a surfer....and she's his "lifeguard"... :)
