Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I'm starting something new on the Blog, in honor of Thanksgiving. For the month of November, every Thursday will be "Thankful Thursday!" Where I'll just talk about something I'm thankful for. And I hope you will share with me some of the things you are thankful for as well. Because we all have so much to be thankful for.

I am thankful for work. My job, and yes, my paycheck! In this economy it is such a blessing to be able to work and to have a job. There are so many people out of work & struggling right now. And, though we are not well off by any means, when I was in New York City last summer on that Missions Trip, I met many homeless people, who had lost their jobs, and couldn't find another one. I realized it can really happen to anyone. Good people down on their luck. Or, who's bad choices, or circumstances beyond their control, left there mark on their lives. I'm so happy to be able to work.

And it is such a blessing to love what you do. And to really like your job. There is a saying that goes "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." I really do love my job. It's fun and challenging. Not to mention the clothes! :) I work for a good company. And the mall is less than 5 minuets from my house now. That makes it so nice. I may not get rich doing it, just like being in the ministry and working for a Church, but it helps. I'm so thankful to have a job that I really enjoy. Thank you God, for my job.

1 comment:

  1. I too am so incredibly thankful and blessed to have a job like I do. I have been a medical transcriptionist for 15 years, and am lucky to be an "at-home" employee :) The doctors have faith and belief in me to know that I am qualified, I am loyal, I am dependable...and 15 years of servicing the public from behind my very own walls is my greatest reward, so many lives depend on me to do my job. So if you drive by my house, honk and wave, I am in here typing a report for someone in need.... I LOVE MY JOB :)
