Friday, November 6, 2009

Babysitting 101

More proof that my girls are growing up. . . tonight they "practiced" Babysitting. Yes, they are 12 years old now, that magical age that we've always told them they could start Babysitting at. (They've been asking for a couple of years now.) They went over to a friends house, who will be turning 12 this next year, and then another friend left their two little girls there with the three Pre-teens. John & I were home all night if they had needed to get a hold of us. We don't live too far from where they were at.

They had so much fun. And, according to them, they did a great job! "See Mom, we told you we're old enough to Babysit!" I heard from them more than once. (But, I guess with Twins, I hear everything twice anyway!)

When they got home I told them I was gonna call the house & say in a whisper "Have you checked the children?" Lexi said, "and I would have said, 'Mom, I know it's you!'" After all that's what my friends did to me when I was a teenager & Babysat! At least after the movie When A Stranger Calls came out. If you like scary movies, it's a good one! (And of course my girls have not seen that movie!) Zach likes suspenseful movies, so he & I had a Mother/Son bonding time watching the new remake of it! He loved hearing how scary the first one was to me as a teenage girl babysitting! I haven't been able to find the original yet, for him to see. But I digress.

So, now I have two 12 year old girls, who really want to start Babysitting for real. They may be ready for this, but I don't know if I am. They are supposed to be babysat, not doing the sitting! I guess I better gear up for our own Adventures In Babysitting! (another movie from back in the day!) I'm really aging myself with this Blog post, aren't I?! Any advice for the Mother of girls who babysit?


  1. Ha ha! I *loved* Adventures in Babysitting! Yup, my girls are talking about babysitting as well. They need to form their own Baby Sitters Club! And while they are babysitting we can start our own club: Classic 80's Film Analysis! :)

  2. How exciting, Star!!! Your little girls' first babysitting job!!! :)

    Star, that first photo of The Babysitters Club book reminds me of my cousins sitting around the living room...doing nothing but reading those books!!!! hahahahahahahahah!

    Eventually, a movie came out about The Babysitters Club...have you seen that one?? :)

  3. That's a GREAT idea that they're able to practice and you're not far! I babysat all my young adult life and it was great money. Maybe you'll get a cut :)

    Thanks so much for sharing in my SITS day on 10-29. Still playing catch up!
