Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Game of Life

This month at our Church, we're doing a series called The Game of Life! You remember playing that game don't you? You can get married, have kids, go to school, get a career, earn & spend money, etc., etc., etc.

(Pastor Jeff, taking a spin!)

The first week we talked about marriage. How besides your relationship with God, it is the most important relationship you have. And how we need to nourish that relationship.

(You can kind of see the stage set-up,
That's my man rocking out!)

This week we talked about parenting. How it's the most important job we have. Pastor Jeff asked, for fun, Which of these T.V. shows displays the best example of parenting? My first thought was The Cosby Show! Until he gave us our choices. (We had to text in our answer and then later in the service we'd see the results) The choices were:

A. Leave it to Beaver

B. The Brady Bunch

C. The Cosby Show

D. Seventh Heaven

As I said, my first thought was The Cosby Show. Look at the title of my Blog. I love parenting with humor! That was until he said, Seventh Heaven. I loved that show! It was about a Pastor & his family. And yes, it was a little cheesy, and they could always solve any problem, no matter how big in an hour episode. But, I loved that they always talked about everything & anything. And I'm a talker! But, I came in second. The Cosby Show got the most votes. (I can live with that) Then Seventh Heaven, Then Leave it to Beaver, and last, but not least, The Brady Bunch. (which I've always loved too!) Which would have voted for?

(John leading Worship; they did an acoustic set this week.
I know it's not real clear, but that's Kyle on the drums behind his dad,
and Zach on the guitar to the right.
Like Father, like sons!)

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I love the Cosby Show! (My kids have no idea who this is...somehow I just feel old all of a sudden.)

    Thanks for coming over on my Sit's Day and making it special!

    Blessings to you,
    lana @ www.ilovemy5kids.blogspot.com
