Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Every Thursday for the month of November is what I'm calling Thankful Thursday. I started off the month last week, by letting you know how thankful I am for work. And I'd like to continue today by sharing how thankful I am for Love.

First of all for the Love of God. A God who loved me enough to send His only Son to die on a cross for my Forgiveness and Salvation. (John 3:16) A God who knew me before I was born, and has a plan for my life. (Psalm 139) A God who knows my name. (Psalm 147:4) A God who is Love. (I John 4:7-11)

And second, for the Love of a good man. My husband John. We've been married for over 22 years now. Many of them have been wonderful years. Not all of them have been easy, but we've gotten through the rough times together. And came out stronger for having gone through them.

This is a song that sums it up:

City of Love
By Martina McBride

This is no yellow brick road
we've been travelin' on
A river of tears washed us here
We're right where we belong

We rode it out, no we didn't drown
And look at what we've found

Every street we take is paved with Truth
If a mountain's in our way that's a mountain we move
Baby there ain't nothin' we can't do
Since me and you built this city of Love

Through shiftin' sand with our own hands
We dug to solid ground
Where we found out what loves about
Yeah, there's no stoppin' us now

Yeah, on our own stone by stone
We built a fortress strong

Where every street we take is paved with Truth
If a mountain's in our way that's a mountain we move
Baby there ain't nothin' we can't do
Since me and you built this city of Love
This City of Love

I Love you John, and Thank you for loving me. And God, there is no Love like Your Love. Thank you is not enough. Yes, this Thanksgiving, and all year long, I am thankful to have Love in my life. Please share with me what you are thankful for . . .


  1. Star, I love the way you talk about your marriage. Such a great picture of you and your love! :)
