Friday, December 18, 2009

Forbis Family Fun Night, Christmas Style!

We went to see Star Of Wonder, it's the Christmas production put on by Phoenix First Assembly of God. One of the largest Assembly of God churches in the country. And let me tell you they put on quite the show!

The kids waiting for the show to start,
Left to right: Olivia, Kyle, Zach, Erica, Lexi

They have live animals: Camels, Elephants, Horses, Dogs, a Tiger and a Kangaroo in their production. Angels flying from two balcony's high. Dancers, singers, actors, cirque De sole type acrobats. All with the Christmas message.

Kyle playing Santa with Olivia!

Lexi and Erica in a One horse open sleigh! Hey!

My girls' band teacher at school played in the orchestra for the production. And a Jr. High Pastor we used to work with, is now on staff there and was a dancer. We had a great time.

Pastor Christina (in the middle) who danced in the show,
with Shane & Heather, who are soon to be married interns at Phoenix First.
All of whom worked with us in the past and are good friends.

It was great seeing them again.

Since we don't have a Church we're a part of right now, I knew we wouldn't really have a Christmas service to attend, so we used this opportunity to get dressed up & make this our Christmas service. Then we looked at Christmas lights on the way home. It was a great evening for the whole family, and it was free! :)

Us, in front of the giant Christmas Tree.
Left to right: Kyle, Zach, Lexi, Erica, me & John.

"Two Turtledoves"


  1. awe :)
    LOVE the picture.
    I am stealing it!!
    Glad you all had fun.
    Love you

  2. What a beautiful family you have. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  3. P.S. can't find a place to follow you. :( wish I could.

