Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Christmas Carol

Last night I took my girls and two of their BFF's to see A Christmas Carol. And just like I knew it would be, it was so good! It's in 3D, which is really cool, but of course the glasses aren't all that comfortable, and it makes me feel a little bit motion sick. (I'm getting old, I know!)

And before the movie started, I pick up my bucket of popcorn, (I had skipped dinner so I could have movie theater popcorn! My favorite) and dropped the whole bucket. It landed face down. I said well, at least I get a free re-fill! The lady next to me thanked me for trying to share my popcorn with her. I told her I was glad I could be the pre-movie entertainment. And at least I got a funny tweet out it! It was a Twitter worthy moment.

Jim Carry was great in the movie, it was very well done. And the story, of course, is timeless. I've read the book too by Charles Dickens. It could be scary for younger children, (after all is about a haunting) but, it brings with it such a great message.

"I will honor Christmas in my heart,
and try to keep it all the year.
I will live in the past,
the present, and the future.
The spirits of all three shall strive within me.
I shall not shut out the lessons that they teach."


  1. Good one on Laughing Through Parenting - it helps a lot!

    We clearly share similar parenting experiences and views.
    I've been reading one that I'm hooked on -
    I have a feeling you'd get a lot out of it.

    Incredible job on your blog; keep it up.


  2. I'm so excited to go see this, Star!!!! :)

    Happy Hanukkah!!!! Merry Christmas!!!! Happy Holidays!!!! :)

    i love you! i'm so thankful for our friendship! :)

  3. I just don't want to see this, but my kids are dragging me. Glad to see you liked it, maybe I will too! Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day, I appreciate it!

  4. Thanks for taking the girls! They had so much fun! Movie theater popcorn is my favorite too!

  5. The kids and I want to see that! If I'm lucky hopefully I'll get to take them before Christmas. :-)

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest and Merry Christmas! :-)
