Thursday, December 10, 2009


I wanted to keep you updated as to what's happening with our family and our job search. As you know my husband lost his job almost a month ago. I've shared with you how I tend to worry.

John has sent out dozens and dozens of resumes, from Washington State to Washington D.C., and everywhere in between. He's lead Worship at a few local Churches here, and we've met with some local Pastors as well. You can check out his web site here.

We are open to whatever God has for us. Of course we would love to be able to stay here, at least until the school year is over. This is Zach's Senior year of High School. So, even if we were to move, we'd let him stay here to finish his Senior year and not move him. Though that would be extremely hard for me to do. (I've always wondered how the parents of the Olympic athletes could let their kids go live with a coach for 4 to 6 years.) Even though my boys are 18 & 19, it would be hard to move without them. Kyle is in his first year of Bible Collage. And he too would stay to finish the school year if we got a job in another state.

I'm very thankful to have my job. It's been such a blessing. And I have to tell you, I could get used to this having a man home all the time. :) John's gotten so much done off his "Honey Do List!" He's cleaned my carpets & curtains. He even shops for me, which is NOT his favorite thing to do! And It's so nice coming home from work & dinner is cooking. He gets the kids where they need to be, and I don't have to worry about it. We've become that old show Who's The Boss! And he's even better looking than Tony Danza! :)

We got a call from the Girls school letting us know they are giving both our girls scholarships to 6th grade Science Camp. That is so nice. They have been looking forward to and talking about Science Camp for 2 years. The entire 6th grade goes away for like 3 days. They do experiments and have a great time. Zach loved it when he was in 6th grade too. But, it's $100.00 per kid, and when you have twins, of course everything is doubled. So, the girls knew it was a very big possibility that we wouldn't be able to afford for them to go. They are so excited and relieved to know that's taken care of. Now, we just have to be living here in the spring when they go! :0

We know God's got a place for us. So, please keep praying with us that He shows us where that is soon. We know He is in control. It's just hard to not worry, and not let it get me down. (3 cold sores in 3 weeks, shows I'm worrying too much! Ugh!) Thanks to all our family and friends for sticking by us, and lifting us up in prayer. We love you.

Then and Now!


  1. Thanks for the update! We will continue to pray that he finds work here! And that is wonderful news that the girls will be able to go to camp!! Yes... you have to love honey to do lists!! Glad yours is getting done!! Ü

  2. Prayers lifted for the right doors to open. I can understand the worry - even though we are not suppose too ;) But sometimes that is just hard not to do. Hang in there - and congrats on the science camp!

  3. Beautiful family. Thanks for stopping by it is nice to meet you. Have a wonderful and blessed holiday season :)
