Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Work Christmas Party

Tonight I hosted a Christmas Party for the girls at work. It had to be on a Sunday night so the store would be closed, so no one had to be working! A hazard of working retail, Mall hours! We ate lots of Christmas goodies, played some games, talked & laughed.

The Shade girls-vs-the guys: They had a list of quotes and had to figure out what
Christmas movie the line was from!
(We won't mention that the guys won this one!)

Playing Charades:
Brittany "Dashing through the snow!" Giddy Up!

Kyle acting out "Fruit Cake!" and someone actually got it!

Taylor being "The Grinch" Your a mean one Mr. Grinch!

It was also a going away party for one of the girls. Justine, who's been employed by Shade longer than I have, and has been my right hand. She's moving out of state. We will sure miss her around the store.

Olivia saying goodbye to Justine!

It was a really fun night! It's always good to connect with your coworkers out side of work. But, since I have to open the store in the morning, I better get to sleep! Or I'll be a grouchy manager! And the girls will think this party was so not worth it! :)

The Shade girls: (left-right) Olivia, Sarah, Justine, Brittany, Taylor & me

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

1 comment:

  1. Star!!!! No dancing!!!!!????? OH shame on you! Shame on you! If I were there, I would make sure everyone ended up dancing!!!!!! Get your Beyonce on, girlfriend!!!!!
