Friday, December 4, 2009

Turning Halloween into Christmas

"It's a Bird, It's a Plane, no, it's Kyle as Superman!

Every year I look for ornaments that mean something, or represent something that's happened through the year. For example, last year I bought an Empire State Building ornament because the boys & I had gone to New York City for the first time last summer on a Missions trip & went up to the top of the Empire State Building. Or I find ornaments of the Musical Instrument one of the kids started playing that year. Or the sport they played, etc. You get the picture. But, some of my favorite ornaments have pictures in them. Like the Superman ornament, that's a picture frame as well that I found the year that Kyle was him for Halloween. Or the year that Zach dressed up like Woody from Toy Story!

Zach was the cutest Woody ever! With his little Bowl cut hair!

Or the year that my girls had a Princess Tea Party for their Birthday. I think it was the year they turned 5. They dressed up as their favorite Disney Princesses, Erica was Sleeping Beauty, and Lexi was Snow White. They were so adorable! And that year I found these Locket Ornaments that have the Princess on the front, and they open up to where you can place a picture of your princess inside.

Little Lady Lexi as Snow White!

And Princess Sleeping Beauty, Erica!

When ever my kids have friends or family members over, these are some of the ornaments they always point out to them.

What are some of your favorite ornaments you love to hang on the tree every year?

1 comment:

  1. It IS the time of year for Christmas ornaments. I especially like the idea of the empire State Building one! What a great place! Read more at
