Sunday, January 24, 2010


One of my goals for this new year was to join a Book Club. You know about my love of books and reading! And I've always wanted to be part of a group of women who read the same book, then meet together to discus topics from the book. Building great friendships in the process. Well instead of just finding an existing club to join, I've decided to start one.

Our new Church; LifeChurchEV, has small groups we call LifeGroups. So, I'm hosting a LifeGroup that will be a Book Club. We'll meet once a month, at a coffee shop, bakery, in a home, or somewhere else we decide, to discus the book for that month. Our very first meeting will be Monday, Feb. 8th, at 7:00pm at Wildflower Bread Company (on Baseline & Val Vista in Gilbert, Arizona) Feel Free to Join us. I would love it!

I'm so excited about this Book Club! But, here's the thing; I don't know what to name it. Hence this contest. Here's how you enter: comment on this Blog Post, leave your name & an idea for a cute name for the Book Club. We will choose the name for our Book Club and it will be announced right here on the Blog, as well as at our first meeting. I'll post the winner & have you E-mail me your info. so I can send you your prize. What's the prize you ask. I'll send you a copy of the very first book we'll be reading in our new Book Club. (Also to be announced at our fist meeting!) Nothing like adding a little mystery! ;)

I can't wait to see the names you come with!
Happy Reading!


  1. Stopping by from SITS and wishing you a Happy Monday! :)

  2. Since this church related how about: The Blessing of Books & so much more Book Club or The Beauty of Books & so much more, Book Club. Because like you said, reading the books is only half the fun… discussing it and bonding w/ friends is so much more fun!!

  3. Here are a few from a tired mind:
    "Book Belles" (I was actually picturing Belle from "Beauty & The Beast"

    "Bookends" or variation, "Bookfriends"

    "Laughing Ladies" -- if of course, it is indeed only ladies!

    "Perusing Petals" -- thinking if you will continue to meet at Wildflower Bread Co.

    Maybe I will take a nap, then think of some other suggestions.

  4. Life Pages
    Life on the Same Page
    Life Lit
    Life, Literature, and the Pursuit of Happiness
    Literary Life Ladies
    Ladies of Literature (LOL)

  5. *Chapters Book Club
    *Conversations Book Club
    *Cover to Cover

    Love your blog, Star!

  6. EVE...




  7. Starry Nights Book Club or
    Precious Pages Book Club or
    Guided Light Book Club
