Friday, January 22, 2010


This is my 200th Blog post!
Have you read them all? If not, you better get busy! ;)

If you have, then together we've been through my my oldest son starting to date, getting a Tattoo, Graduating from High School, and starting college. We're now into my second sons Senior Year of High School. We've discussed how to get your kids to read, traveling tips with kids, and Music in School. We've reviewed Books, Broadway, Movies and Television together.

You've heard about the excitement and the heartache that comes in being a Pastor's Wife. You've followed me as I went from being a Stay at Home Mom for over 18 years, to a Career Woman. You've read my tips for raising Pastor's Kids. And how to help your kids deal with death. Yes, we've celebrated and cried together. We've spent Holidays together. You've gone with me to concerts, and on trips. And I've enjoyed every minute of our time together!

We've dealt with some of the issues in raising twins. Of instilling confidence in our daughters. My twin daughters are now 12 years old & next year will be venturing into Jr. High School. I hope my sanity stays in tact so that I can continue to Blog about it. (no guarantees though!) :0

I hope you've enjoyed our time together, and getting to know me & my family, and celebrating Marriage. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for reading, and commenting on my little Blog. And for most of all . . .

For Laughing Through Parenting
& laughing through life with me.


  1. This is an exciting milestone. I'm fairly new to blogging and am having so much fun with it. Congrats!!

  2. Great job and congratulations! Happy 200th!

  3. Congratulations on your 200th!

  4. Real Proud of you babe - Love ya tons!!!

  5. Yay happy 200th! Stopping by from SITS to wish you a happy SITS sharefest!! Hope you're having an amazing Saturday!!

  6. Congrats!!! How exciting.... If you haven't already it is time to put it in a book!!

  7. Happy 200th post and Happy Saturday SITS Sharefest!
