Monday, July 7, 2008

Teens and Tattoos

Indulge me a moment before we get to the subject at hand. (Or arm, or back, or shoulder, wherever one may get a Tattoo.)

I remember when I was little I really wanted to get my ears pierced. I begged and begged but my parents made me wait until I was 12. Prior to that time period, (the 70's, yes I am that old!) The hippie's and flower children were really the first generation to pierce their ears. I still remember when my dad took me out for my special day and of course I chose little gold stars for my very first pair of earrings. Now, this generation of new mothers doesn't even wait for their kids to ask for earrings, they take them to get their ears pierced as infants or toddlers. I however didn't, I waited until my girls started asking to have their ears pierced, and then I made them wait until I thought they were old enough and able to take care of them themselves. They got them pierced for their 9th Birthday. And it was a special day for them.

Now fast forward a few decades. It used to be that the only people who had tattoos were sailors or bikers. But, now I'm sure we all know people who have them. Like piercing your ears, it has now become a big part of our culture. We were youth pastors when the youth culture really started to embrace tattoos. And I thought to myself it would be so cute to get a little star on my ankle. That was over 15 years ago. And I have talked about it off and on all this time. So, this year for Mothers day my kids decided that's what they wanted to get me. And If you will notice the picture on the top of this blog, you can see it. Kyle told me when I get old and have Alzheimer's I'll just have to look at my ankle to remember my name! So, if you didn't know anyone with a tattoo before, you do now. ; ) I think, at least for Kyle (who is the ring leader) it was important to do this for me this year because he is turning 18 and has always wanted a tattoo of his own. And I think he thought, "If mom has one, she won't say no to me getting one." Though I could always pull the "Do as I say, not as I do" thing.

He has known for years he's wanted a tattoo and exactly what he wanted and where. And in Arizona you can get a tattoo if you are 18. (You can be 16 with parental consent.) But before he could get one we made him think long and hard about it and had long talks of, "are you sure you want to do this?, and that you want this on your body for the rest of your life?" We also made sure he knew some employers wouldn't like it, or might make him cover it up, etc. He was fine with that. So, for his 18th Birthday we let him get a tattoo. He got written in Hebrew the word for Lord, or Yahweh on his forearm. You also can not give blood for a year after you get a tattoo, so he donated blood before he got his tattoo.

I also set down a rule that he can not get another one until he is at least 21. Because that first tattoo is such a big decision of weather or not to put something permanently on your body. And you pick something that really means something to you. But, then too many times I've seen people after they get that first one, they like it so much, and see how easy it was, so they go crazy and start getting a bunch of other ones, and in a couple of years they realize they didn't really mean anything to them. And they regret getting them. It also helped that we saw Danny Bonaduce (child star from the partridge family) on the Dr. Phil show and he said that he has seven women's names tattooed on his body, and he couldn't even remember who three or four of them even were, whoops! Thanks for the lesson Danny! "Come on get Happy!"

I do not think that teenagers wanting tattoos is necessarily a sign of rebellion, no more than me wanting my ears pierced was. Some of my friends had them, and some didn't, My mom didn't. But I wanted mine done because I liked it, and I wanted to wear pretty earrings. I am 43 now, and to this day, I still wear earrings every single day! And in the same way, tattoos are just a part of our culture now. I've even read of the parents of new born identical twins tattooing a dot or something on one of their babies feet or backside in fear of getting them mixed up. I guess then you'd just have to remember which one you tattooed and which one you didn't!


Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to you. I had my ears pierced twice when I was little. Now I can't wait to get a tattoo. I know I want something to represent my kids and family, but my ideas keep changing. One day I will get it and you will be the first to know!!!


Colleen said...

Came over from SITS. Love this story. My mom was so mad when I came home with a tattoo because I did not take her with me. Sometimes we do not give yall enough credit...

Betsy Eves @JavaCupcake said...

I think it's great the open and honest communication you have with your kids. Kudos!

BloggessJ said...

Happy SITS day! I soooo want a tattoo but I'm scared to death of needles so I guess it's the temporary kind for me.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a fun mom!

Anonymous said...

Sits hello to you. You really did a great job. I hope my children will listen to me and wait to be sure. Then I can give my OK, but they will have to save up and pay.

Sarah Bee said...

This is such a fun post! I'm stopping by from SITS!

I have two tattoos, LOVE them, I can NOT wait to get more, I just love the whole idea of being able to express myself or something important to me, in a way that people can see. [depending on what I wear] lol

I got my ears pierced when I was little, I don't even remember. I like earrings but they aren't something I MUST wear, it's made me think now, that maybe I'll wait till my girls [someday] want theirs pierced so it can be an "event" instead of something natural, thanks for the insight!

Have a fabulous day!

Marie Reed said...

I wanted to get a tattoo to go along with my midlife crisis! I thought that a little red sports car would be perfect:)

Diane said...

visiting from SITS!
i'll be back!

Rhea said...

I've been wanting a tattoo for a while...and I know my parents, my husband, etc will be against it. But one day soon...

Very cool post!

The Wife O Riley said...

Came over from SITS.

I have 3 tattoos and only the one I got in my 30's means something to me. I feel I got the other ones in haste.

Luckily, none of them show unless I show them to you.

Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day!

You're absolutely right. Tattoos are just an everyday, everybody has 'em thing now and my kids are no exception. I figured that it wasn't a battle I wanted to fight. I just said they had to wait until they were 18. They're great kids that don't do drugs, etc. so how can I say no to something like that?

Preston said...

At one point in my twenties I wanted a tattoo of Astro Boy but fortunately, I got over that one. I can't tell you how many people I know who have tattoos that they got when they were young and now hate. Some of them have spent more money to try to get rid of them or change them a little. My dad had a tattoo of a skunk with my mom's name under it. When they divorced I remember he complained so much about having her name on his arm. That kind of turned me on tattoos.

Anonymous said...

I've been tossing the idea around about a tattoo. Not sure if I'm going through a mid-life crisis or not, but I kind of like the idea of it! My husband, however, is not a fan. At all.

Louisa Claire said...

My brother has two tattoos. The first he got overseas and told my parents about when they picked him up at the airport as he figured they'd be too pleased to see him to mind. He was only sort of wrong ;) The second one he got when he was living overseas and was homesick, it's the initials of each member of our family so very sweet!! I think it's great that your kids can be so open with you!

Melissa Papaj Photography said...

Hello from Utah! I found you on SITS! I think getting a tatto is definitely something that should be thought out for a long time. My mom, as she gets older, regrets getting a tatoo of a cross on her arm only because she feels like she is "too old" for it. So many times when we are younger we feel as if we are immortal and will always like one thing or another...but forget to stop and think about how we will feel when we are in our 60's or 70's. I think the rule you set for 21 is a good one for sure.

Tori said...

This was a pleasure to read!I just swung by from SITS The trust and communication between you and your children is great. Nice to "meet" another pastor's family member--I'm a PK!

God bless!

Kimmie said...

Very cool post! I'd love to get a tatoo - maybe when I've "grown up" and can decide on an idea for longer then a month or two...

Coffee with Cathy said...

Love your star! Good for you.

Lyssa said...

Happy SITS day! You are one cool Mama and pastor's wife!

I had to wait until 11 to get my ears pierced and still remember the day fondly. I will do the same with my daughter.

skinnylattemama said...

Congrats on being featured today!! Your blog is too cute!! I have 3 tatoos and I love them!!

Unknown said...

My son is 15 and has his tattoo drawn up already. But he has to wait till hes 18 because I said so! I just got my first one a couple years ago and love it. Tattoo's just aren't taboo anymore!


Amy Fichtner said...

CUte Blog, Your family is adorable.Enjoy your day with the SITS!!!

Erika said...

Congrats on your SITS feature!!

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

Happy SITS! are one awesome Mama! I think your post is so true. I also waited until I could get my ears pierced and I will make my daughters do the same. I agree about tattoos. Both my siblings have tattoos (they're very interesting). I'm not opposed to them but I think it's best to wait until you're an adult before getting them.

KimmyJ said...

Great story. I have a tatoo in honor of my deceased daughter (butterfly) and my oldest son got his at 18 upper arm so he could cover it - and it is a crucifix

Anonymous said...

Your star is very cute!

Diva Scrapper said...

Followed the link from SITS. My son is only 20 months so I just can't relate, not yet. I think it's great that you can have an open communication with your children...I hope to be open-minded.

Heather said...

Last March I went with my BFF to get tattoos together. At first it was her idea, but then I really embraced it and wanted to do it for myself. I love the tattoo that I have, but I especially love remembering the fun we had that night, sealing our friendship in a tattoo parlor. What a great thing to do with your son. You are the coolest mom ever in his book, I'm sure!

Kristen said...

Neat story. I've wanted a tattoo since I was in college. My dad's advice was to wait until I'm 24 (I'm 22 now) because then I will be more established--with a job and maybe a family (I'm recently married). It will give me a different perspective on whether I want something as permanent as a tattoo. So I'm taking his advice. We'll see what happens!

April said...

Happy SITS sound like a wonderful mom! Great post!

Anonymous said...

Hi Star! That was a great post and made perfect sense. I hope I am as insightful, open and understanding as you seem to be when my little ones become teenagers. I've only got 5 years to go so I'm bracing myself.

Although as you can probably tell from my name, tattooing won't be an issue for us. My husband is already planning dual trips to the parlor with our kids. In his head.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Lovely tattoo! Lovely post!

Pamela said...

Happy SITS day!
I really enjoyed reading your post and I like that you and your son talked about this honestly. I hid mine from my mom for years and then when she finally saw it, it wasn't such a big deal!

RuensOnTheRun said...

Seems like you have a great relationship with your children! I hope my boys and I are this close when they get older. I bet they think you are "cool" too?!?! :)

Thrifty and Chic Mom said...

That's great you have such a strong bond with your kids

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Wow thats so awesome. You are a neat parent too. You seem to know that line of being a friend and being a parent and you seem never seem to waver. Great job!
I love your blog. I will be coming back. :D

Happy SITS day. :D

Anonymous said...

I got my first tattoo on my 18th birthday. Now i have 8....and not stopping there. The only thing holding me back is that they cost so much these days!

Cool mother and son pic of the tattoos!

Becky W said...

What great lessons! You are doing a great job as a mother!

Claire said...

What a cute post! I love the pics of the girls getting their ears pierced. My daughter is only 4 and is already starting to ask when she can get hers done. Should I make her wait until she's 16 like I had to???

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

You are a very cool and thoughful mom. Your kids are lucky to have you!

MammaDucky said...

Both of my tattoos have deep meaning to me and both are only visable if I want you to see them.
My girls will not be getting their ears pierced until they can care for them themselves. But that tattooing a spot on them....that could have been useful in those early twin days, lol.

Ali said...

It sounds like from the comments that being tattoo-less is in the minority nowadays!

Anonymous said...

Nice tat.

I love that your kids got it for you for mother's day - it must mean so much more because of that.

Jaden Paige said...

It's so great that your kids did that for you! Awesome :)

Denise Emanuel Clemen said...

My daughters got tattoos right before the younger of the two left for college. Our friends and family are pretty conservative where tattoos are concerned, but I have to say, my daughters chose wisely and I wouldn't mind t this point if they got more....

Cammie said...

Happy SITS day! Cool post! I got my first tat at 18 but probably would have gotten it earlier if my mom would have let me

Saving The Day said...

I can completely relate to this post. I have always wanted a tattoo but I have never been able to commit to *what* I want. It really is a big decision! My daughter has given me some inspiration, though. I wrote about her tattoo on my blog today ... stop on by if you get a chance!


Judy @ In His Grip said...

Yes, tatoos have gone through our house too. Our son has a small one on his right ribcage, and both of our girls have small ones on their feet, one with a heart and inside is Hab. 3:19, and the other daughter has a small crown with a verse as well, but I cannot remember it right now. And I do have one as well a very small heart on my right foot.

Briya said...

I got my first tattoo at 18 too...A boy's name.He got mine, I got his. And luckily we are still married to this day. We've got other tattoos, but they all mean something special. :)

Amy said...

Visiting from SITS! Thanks for the tip - I have a tattoo and should prepare myself that my children may want one too, since mom does! That's why I got mine - my mom had one!

Barb said...

HI..I am visiting from SITS.... conrats on being the featured blogger....
I have always wanted a tattoo as well....I am turning 40 this this might be the year to do it...LOL...
I so remember when I got my ears pierced as a little girl...and also remember them getting itchy and all red and raw and infected...I was allergic and had to let them grow in...I was so sad...but when I was in junior high I tried again and now just have to wear gold earring or really good hypo allergenic ones...
I took all of my girls to get ears pierced when they were two...hmmmm...maybe I should have waited until they could ask too...

Stephanie said...

Great post! I got my tattoo when I was 21 after much thought and discussion. I'm the mother of 3 and my children love my tattoo. I have alot of Indian heritage, so I got some tribalism on my leg. It can be easily covered up and most people don't know I even have one unless I wear shorts.

How awesome that your children got this for you! Love the pic of you and your son!

Coming at your from SITS! Have a Beautiful Day!

lifebythehandful said...

What a great thing your kids did for you! Love the tat and the placement.

Mommy's Wish List said...

happy SITS day. love your writing voice!

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that you were so open with your son and he got a well thought out tattoo instead of something impulsive. I have 4 of them and wish that someone had that conversation with me when I was younger (not that I would have listened or anything. LOL)

Reeni said...

I love your tattoo!! What a great relationship you have with your children. I remember my sister who is younger than me getting her ears pierced first. I was afraid but finally went and had mine done about six months after her.

Tiffany said...

Congrats on being featured!

I have toyed with the idea of getting a tattoo, but I'm too cheap. :)

Mikki Black said...

You're my hero! Now when my husband and the rest of the pastoral staff say, "No, you can't get that tattoo!" I can say, "Awwwww. Come ON! Star got to do it! Everybody but me has one! You hate me!!!"

I shall win them over with my maturity. Yes. Yes, I shall.

(Nice to meet you SITSta!)

Laura said...

You are one smart mama!

Vickie said...

I always wanted a tatoo, but two things holding me back. 1. My fear of needles and 2. My husband does not want me too. He is not happy that he is not #1.

I am also going to wait until my girls ask for earrings. When they do, it will be in the fourth grade. Just like me.

Mammatalk said...

I have a secret. I don't have my ears pierced! My mother also waited for the day when I would ask for them. Well, that day never came. I know, what an oddball!

Love your story!

Anonymous said...

I didn't get the guts to pierce my ears til i was like 18, and tatoos. well i just don't like self-inflicted pain, so thats out of the question


It is amazing how tattooing has come out of the woodwork of our culture and become so mainstream.

I don't have any tattoos nor any plans to get one, but I did get my tragus (part of the ear) pierced about a month ago. ;o) Had to go to a tattoo shop for it, that was interesting!

April Kennedy said...

Congrats on being featured blogger today!

Cool mom....indeed. Enjoyed the story...and btw...I had to wait until I was 13 to get my ear's pierced...I pierced my daughters when she was 3!

blognut said...

You're brave. I always toy with the idea of a tattoo, but I can't quite bring myself to pay someone to hurt me.

Anonymous said...

Dropped in from SITS :) My husband and I have been wanting to get a tattoo for a while now, but we never seem to get around to it (or leave after waiting for 2 hours on our honeymoon, and still 4th in line lol).

I think your idea of getting the first one and then waiting for a few years before another, is an idea I'm going to hold on to. My 12 year old has a habit of jumping into things. It wont be long before he starts in on tatoos lol.

Mimi said...

I had to wait until I was 12 to get my ears pierced too.

Heather said...

I can't imagine tattooing a newborn! My hubby has 3 and is wanting to get a 4th, something to represent our boys.

Elizabeth M Thompson said...

Happy SITS day! Tatoos are not for me, I don't voluntarily allow needles near me. Call me a big chicken. Besides that, I am too fickle to decide on a design and then like it long term.

Anonymous said...

It was interesting to read your perspective and the way you handled this with your son. Thank you for sharing.

Tori C. said...

I love that you took pictures of your girls getting their ears pierced! My older sister snuck me out of the house to get mine done when I was 9 (she was 16 and we're from a small town so no one cared that a parent wasn't there), and I don't have any pictures (my Mom was livid)!

Anonymous said...

Great blog! I absolutely love my two tattoos. I waited until after college for my first and 5 years later after my daughter was born for my second. Both are in places you can't see unless I want you to though!

I know we'll have to have very open conversations and minds with our kids since both my hubby and I have tats.

Brandy said...

I think it's awesome that not only he came to you about it but he also took your advice and really thought about it.

I think everyone I know has at least one; I have 5. And while I like them all I wish I would have gotten the first one somewhere else. It might be "all the rage" right now but it's still permanent.

Sandra said...

i have never been a fan of tattoos... however.. having said that... I did mention to my hubby that we should eachothers names or initials tattooed on our wedding ring fingers...

He said no. I was hurt... but I understood.

Yours is very cute... and I just love the hebrew,,. I am a little Jewish.

Just say Julie said...

I got my first tatto during college (I was 20). I completed an internship at a church in Seattle and before returning to fall semester in good ole Oklahoma I got a tatto of an anchor with a scripture on my ankle. My parents didn't find out till the next summer when I was walking around barefoot :) But they didn't give me any grief and knew that I had chosen it after much thought and that it was my way of documenting a very important time in my life. said...

Visiting from SITS! Cute blog!

Oh how sweet for your kiddos to get you a tattoo for Mother's day :-) I have 5 all are in place I can hide, so many people don't even know, hehe)...but I LOVE them all and don't regret any of them.

I did the same thing with my oldest...she didn't get her ears pierced until she was almost 8 (until she could take care of them herself). And my almost 4 year old wants them, but she'll have to wait too. Your star is way cute...and love them name too :-)

Anonymous said...

You two sound like you have a great relationship.

Happy SITS day!

Anna Molly said...

Stopped by from SITS. I love your blog! I can totally relate to this because I got a tattoo when I was 21 and I hid it from my mom until I was about 25 because I knew she wouldn't approve. So when my son turned 19 (he's now 21) he got his first tatto (without telling me) and was super excited to come home and show it to me as a "surprise!" Now my other son is about to turn 18 in two months and he is already talking about getting one. Like you, I just want him to be sure that it's something he won't regret later on in life...

Cherie said...

I have always wanted to get a small tattoo and I go back and forth about it. Thanks for sharing this post.

Momma Chae said...

What a cool mom! :) When I got a tattoo at 18, my mother's first words were, "You're also doing drugs and having sex, aren't you?!" (I wasn't.) :)

Be Brave, Keep Going said...

what a great post! I have teensy tiny butterfly and it was a big deal for me! The lady who gave it to me just laughed and said it was a sissy tatoo!

Anonymous said...

Awesome post for SITS - LOVE the pictures and your reasoning for allowing ear piercings & tattoos. GOOD FOR YOU!

Anonymous said...

I also had to wait to get my ears pierced.

I think making them wait until 18 for tattoo is a good idea. At that point, they can do it legally without consent anyway.

I hope you're both very happy with your art.

MaricrisG said...

I admire you for being hip and cool about this tattoo thing and even got one for yourself. How cool is that?!
I bet your son is so proud having u for a mom.

Zen Ventures
Golden Flower Creations

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I had my ears pierced when I was 5. And then I had to argue my way to getting them double pierced. And I didn't tell my mom that I got one pierced a third time.

I have wanted a tattoo for a long time. But I have no idea as to what I would want.

(And look at you! Sits and BATW!)

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Love this post. I pierced my ears when I was 12 or 13 ... can't remember. But I know my parents wouldn't let me do it any sooner than that. And wanted oh so badly to get my tongue pierced for the longest time! But I waited until I was 18, came home and showed my mom. I thought she'd freak, but she didn't. I was afterall "an adult" officially, and she said it was kind of cute. I got my 1st {and only} tattoo when I was 21 or 22. The tongue piercing has since closed up, of course. But I love my tattoo.

Courtney said...

Lol, I hope I can still make rules for my kids in their 20's. All 3 of my mom's kids got tattoos she HATES as soon as we were 18.

JessicaMarie said...

Glad you both got symbols that mean a lot to you! I've always talked myself out of the tattoo idea by thinking "Two years ago, what did I think was so important to me that I could get a tattoo of it regret-free?" and since that answer has yet to match what would mean enough to me now, clearly, it's not my time for a tattoo =)

lynn said...

Congrats on your SITS feature!!

I made my girls wait until they were 9 years old also. I'm just mean that way.

I've been wanting a tattoo for awhile now. I'm turning 40 later this year. I think this may be the year. I've been planning out the design with a friend and am going in February to watch her get one.

namaste said...

I love your star tattoo! Now don't you go tattoo crazy and start getting all tatt'd up!

katylinvw said...

ooooh! i love it!!! i've been wanting a tatoo forever!!! i love kyle's comment about forgetting your name, lol! :) happy SITS day!

Unknown said...

I came over from SITS.

I have a tattoo on my foot. It's the Christian fish symbol (tweeked a little). My kids love it. They're 7,4 & 2.

I'm loving the Star story.

Breanna said...

You are such a cool mom!!! and i love the mom and son picture!

Mrsbear said...

I was one of those kids who got their ears pierced in infancy, I do wear earrings everyday but we decided with our girls to wait and they got pierced when they felt they wanted them, not because I imposed it. I love the tattoo, your logic is great and the tattoos are both very tasteful. Happy SITS day.

Sherrie said...

Great story. I really respect how you handled that. Congrats on your SITS day!

Anna Lefler said...

Happy SITS Day! Great post...

We are enforcing waiting for things like ear piercings, etc., too. It's nice to have things to look forward to...

:^) Anna

Anonymous said...

How fantastic! You are a super cool mom! I have four tattoos and when I got the last two done, my 5 year old son announced, "When Mom gets number five, I'm going too!" Um.....I guess I'll wait awhile before I get the next one!

I found you on SITS! I love your story....

Anonymous said...

Oh, I've always wanted a tattoo! You may have inspired me to finally do it. My dad didn't want me to get my ears pierced. However my mom wanted hers done so when I was about 14 we went together and both got it done. It was fun!

Ronnica said...

I've never wanted a tattoo, so it's hard for me to relate, haha.

Back to back SITS and BATW features? You must be tired (or very, very comment-high!).

Danielle said...

Happy SITS day!!

What a cool story! I love that your kids bought your tattoo! that is awesome!!

Sarah J. said...

I am not a tattoo person...I first got my ears pierced when I was 20! LOL I'm a nurse, but that doesn't mean I like needles.

Live.Love.Eat said...

Congrats on being featured today.

Jeanne Estridge said...

The family that gets stuck by needles together...seems pretty happy together!

Melissa Lester said...

I look forward to making an event of getting my daughters' ears pierced, maybe when they are 10, if they want to do it then. We're still in the sweet stage of hairbows and smocked dresses, so I'm not prepared to even think about a tattoo discussion. And I guess I'm kind of hoping that by dressing my girls up like little dolls each day, by the time they're teenagers they'll feel cool enough just to wear blue jeans that we won't even have to think about it.

jubilee said...

The few people that I know that have tattoos regret them. It's so nice to hear the other side of the story.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i'm tat-less, but i am because i'm a weiny! anyway, happy FB!!! woot woot!

Kim said...

Hi There! I stopped in from SITS. Great post. I have a tattoo on my leg, that I got when I was 35 I think (8 years ago). I like your viewpoint on them with regards to teens.

Holly Tried It said...

Visiting from SITS. I like your tattoo and your rationale behind getting it. Your kids must be great because of you.

angie said...

Your star is cute! Even though it seems like everyone has at least one, I've never been interested in getting one. I kinda like that though!

Gretchen said...

Hi. I really like your post - what a great point of view. I don't really care for tatoos, but you've definitely thought about it from all angles. I can tell you love your kids a lot!

And, hello from a fellow Pastor's wife!

debi9kids said...

It sounds like you have a fantastic relationship with your children, so open and honest.
Fantastic post!

Karol said...

That's an awesome way to go about the tattoo issue! My son is 6 and talks about mommmy and daddy's tattoo's. I love that you're open about that with them. Definitely making sure that it's something you want to live with is very important!!

Shannon said...

Hope you enjoyed your SITS day! This is a great post :)

My mom, brother and sister all have tattoos... but not me. Sometimes I think I'd like one... but then I'm not sure! I'd have no idea what design to get...

Michelle said...

Too funny. I remember when I got my ears pierced (at 7) and my dad threatened to glue my ears shut.

So good to know that your kids respect you and get you.... And congrats on your SITS day!

antibloggedy said...

What a great relationshipyou have with your kids. from where I sit, You are a "great" mom that "inspired" great kids. Congrats on their successes. I have always wanted something to do with the women in my family....I will just have to wait 16 years till my oldest is 18 to get it for me! =)

AdriansCrazyLife said...

I think that's a very sensible way to do it. I don't think I'd mind one tattoo, but it does seem to be addicting, you see people with literally dozens of them sometimes.

My son has mentioned it and actually he draws some designs that would make fabulous tattoos, but he hasn't argued for it very strongly, so I've just kind of let it slide. He's 20, so if he really wanted to he could do it, but I hope he does it small if he does do it.

The thing I don't get is the big gauges in the ears. You can't cover those up or fix them ever. It's totally a career limiting move.

Happy SITS day!

penguinsandladybugs said...

I got a tattoo myself a few years ago....on my ankle (like yourself) and it is a Christian fish. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this!

M said...

Ankle really seems to be such a popular tattoo placement for the ladies, right?

Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters.Net said...

i keep thinking about a tattoo too, but I just can't make up my mind what I want

Anonymous said...

Judy: so do you have a preferred placement for your tattoo plan yet?

Take care.

Anonymous said...

I am 17 years old. I got my first tattoo for my 17th birthday on my foot. My mom had promised me after my little cousin died in '03 that I could get my first tattoo, of course it was in memory of her. She only lived 6 years of her life. God took her young. Everyone in my family who is old enough has gotten one in memory of her. Mine i can hide it if need to be. It is nothing gotty or terrible looking. It is a daisy and a butterfly two of her favorite things. I think tattoos with meanings are a great thing but its also away to express your self. My father is a tattoo artist who he himself has over 150 tattoos. I will be getting more over the years. But every one im gettting has a meaning to it. It is something you have to think about and make sure it is want you want 100% of the way.

Anonymous said...

You are so fine!
BTY, Your man's tattoo is awesome!

Tattoo Lettering

Patty, Turning Winds said...

I really admire your personal relationship with your kids. I'm sure they'll appreciate it as they're growing up. Parents don't have to be so strict all the time, it's also good to be sharing their hobbies at times as a way to bond with them. As much as I want to be open to my kids, I'm not sure if I am comfortable with them having tattoos yet. Especially when they're just being pressured by their peers. They might just regret doing them in the future.