Monday, May 3, 2010

Bloggy Boot Camp I

This past weekend I went to a seminar for Bloggers, called Bloggy Boot Camp! When I first started Blogging a couple of years ago, I joined a Blog Group called SITS (The Secret Is In The Sauce) It's a community of Bloggers that offer each other support, by commenting on each others Blogs. I've meet many great people, & became friends, that I got to know through reading their blogs & having them read mine & starting conversations. I love the community on the Blogogosphere!

(Tiffany & Heather, the original SITS girls)

SITS was started by two BFF's & neighbors, who Blog, & had this great idea of networking, & connecting Bloggers, Tiffany & Heather! Who now live in separate states form each other, but together, run this Blog Group that now numbers in the thousands!

(The Swag Bags! Yes I got goodies to boot!)

They started having Boot Camps around the country, to be able to give us Bloggers a chance to come together & meet face to face. And to give us the opportunity to hear other Bloggers teach & give tips on how to do what we do even better! I was so excited to go!

(Me, dishing it up with some other Bloggers at the opening night cocktail party & dinner!)

It was like Twitter come to life! It was so much fun. I met people who's blogs I read or have read, people I follow on Twitter, & who follow me. It was funny, some people you could pick out across the room, because they look just like their picture! Others you had to see their name before it dawned on you who they were & some after you saw their face & name still didn't come together in your mind who they were! I wonder which of those categories I fit in for all who met me for the first time. :) When I introduced my self to Tiffany, I said "Hi, I wanted to make sure I got the chance to meet you, my name is Star." And she said "Star! Laughing Through Parenting! The one with the famous Tattoo!" I had to laugh at that!

I'd love to introduce you to some of the Awesome Bloggers I met: (Above, Left to Right) Me, who you already know! ;) Sara from Saving For Someday, who is a woman with a great heart! Sugar from Sugar in the Raw, one of the funniest people you'll ever meet! Kadi from Digital Kadi, an Awesome woman who is doing some really neat things for women & girls! I love meeting other women who are so passionate about empowering our daughters! Ted who was representing Open Sky, an opportunity for Bloggers to earn money. Sara from Super Saving Sara, a really sweet, young woman who has a great head on her shoulders! And Nicole from My Real Review, who came all the way from Canada to be here! Some of these Blogs will let you in on some great deals & save you money! All these pictures were taken by Angry Julie Monday. Who was as sweet as can be, and not angry at all! (Talk about an Oxymoron!) Too many Bloggers, Too little time!

I'll introduce you to more Awesome women in some upcoming Blog posts as well, and share some of the great things I learned this weekend as well. The connecting made the whole weekend worth it! But the information I gained was priceless!


  1. Yeah!! Thanks for the mention! That is such a great picture of us all :-)

  2. It was so fun to meet you too! I am still basking in the Bloggy Boot Camp afterglow. Hope we can run into each other at another event soon!

  3. Yay! Love the pictures and LOVED meeting you. Your blog has always had such a fresh and authentic perspective, and you were just that- fresh and authentic.

    I am thrilled you joined us and beyond thrilled that you enjoyed it!!!!

  4. Did you see that photo of me with the bag? It's nearly as big as I am - no wonder I was knocking into people all day!

    Great meeting you & can't wait to meet up again!

  5. Great post, Star! My mind is still swirling from all of the information. It was so great to meet you!

  6. So fun to meet you at the Collective Bias shin dig (i'm the one with my back to the camera wearing the jeans and black shirt).

  7. Great to meet you!!!! It was an awesome weekend. I hope you had great time, because I know that I did.

  8. What a true pleasure to meet you IRL. I've enjoyed reading your blog before bloggy boot camp and learning about that 'life after kids grow up' part. So glad you enjoyed the conference and definitely hope to see you again soon.

    I am without words at how you described me. Thank you.

  9. Such a fantastic post! Dinner on Friday night was great fun. Absolutely adored the pictures you posted...especially the one with Kadi and the crazy look on her face.

    Bloggy Boot Camp really does rock! :)

