Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bloggy Boot Camp II

Day 2 of Bloggy Boot Camp:
Connection & Comprehension
I arrived in the morning,
(I didn't realize this picture was being taken of me, can you tell?)
Standing in line, I look deep in thought, good thing I had on sunglasses! :)

Waiting to get in hear!
I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to attend,
to meet so many other Bloggers & great women!
And glean from their wisdom.

It's starting to fill up!
As always on my BlackBerry! Tweeting away. . .
It was so fun to read all the tweets from everyone in the room!
Trying hard not to lol at times!
Whispering to the person next to me in the middle of a session:
"I just Tweeted you!" or "Thanks for the Tweet!" haha

We were assigned different tables with each session,
so we could meet as many new friends as possible!
Exchanging Business cards with each other.
Finding each other on Twitter, Facebook & the Blogosphere!
What fun!

I can't begin to share with you everything that I learned,
but I will just try to highlight a few things & speakers. . .
Tiffany taught us how to build our Bloggy Tribe.
Commenting smartly, and really starting conversations.

Sugar (above) & Kadi (below)
Taught us how to Vlog. (Video Blogging)
Loved it, but think I need to be younger & thinner
to put myself on video that way! :)

Amy taught us about Branding ourselves!
And staying true to our "Brand"

Loralee (in Yellow)
Talked about finding your unique voice, and Blogging Authentically.
Julie (in Blue) is the one who took all these great photos
& shared them with all of us!
Thank you so much Julie. You Rock!

Hopefully you, who read my Blog, will soon start to reap some of the benefits
of the many things I learned while at Bloggy BootCamp. I truly love Blogging.
And just like I want to be the best Woman, Wife & Mom I can possibly be,
I want to be the best Blogger I can be as well. Thanks for reading.


  1. Love how you did such a comprehensive review!

  2. Great review and I heart the photos. It was a pleasure meeting you!

  3. Loved the picture of you in line first thing in the morning. So funny!

    You're right too. There is a desire to be the best we can in all the women who attend Bloggy Boot Camp. Such a great way to think about it.


  4. Your review of Bloggy Boot Camp was one of the best I have seen yet! Your pictures and narrative were both informative and totally entertaining! Nice to meet you too!! Yay! Go bloggers, go!
