Friday, May 7, 2010

On Being a Mom: Bloggy Boot Camp III

Okay, this is my last post regarding Bloggy Boot Camp! (at least I think so anyway!) Now I can get back to Blogging about more important things, like myself & my kids! :) I wanted to let you know about our last night of Boot Camp & an awesome project we did together. We met at the Party Pool at Xona Resort in Scottsdale, to see each other & get to hang out one last time, to say goodbye.

Here I am that night with a couple of my new Bloggy Friends:
Amy of Dealusional, and Sara of Super Saving Sara

Our "fee" to get into the cocktail party was a pack of Diapers. And I have to tell you, going to buy diapers again after all these years was a strange sensation. My "babies" will be becoming teenagers this year! It's a good thing my husband knew what was going on before he read my tweet: "Star4Laughs is buying Diapers for the first time in many years!" Otherwise he may have fainted right then & there! :)

Why Diapers? I'm so glad you asked! I remember when I had my Twins, we were on staff at a great Church, and they threw us an all Church Baby Shower. They were so generous, in addition to all the wonderful gifts we received, we got diapers! So many in fact, that we did not have to buy a single diaper for my babies until they were about 5 1/2 months old! That's a lot of Diapers.

But other moms are not as blessed as I was. And did you know that you can not use food stamps towards diapers? Moms can receive help in providing formula and food for their little ones, but when it comes to diapers they are on their own. So, many are making the diapers they have last as long as possible by leaving them on their children longer. And if you've ever had a baby with a terrible diaper rash, you know just how miserable that can be for everyone. Not to mention unhealthy for the child. So, We collected Diapers for an organization called Help a Mother Out! Together we brought over 2000 diapers for a local Diaper bank here in the Phoenix area. Happy Mothers Day!

The Sits girls Delivering our Diapers!

And I wanted to introduce you to another Bloggy friend I met at Boot Camp. She & I didn't end up in any pictures together. :( Shes Amy from Mommy Mentor. She's a lot of fun & helps Moms get their babies to sleep through the night. Where was she when I had new born twins & could have used her?! :)

And in Honor of Mothers Day, I wanted to share some "Momisms," things I've actually heard come out of the mouth of my Mother! And things, that my kids may or may not have heard me say a time or two. (though I will never admit that!)

"Do as I say, not as I do!"
(Except, we all know that actions speak louder than words!)

"If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?"

"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!"
(something that has saved me a lot of grief in my lifetime,
words are something that once they are out there,
you can never take them back!)

"Always be yourself!"
(Thanks for the reminder, Mom!)

"If you sit on a table, you will be married twice."
(I don't get this one either,
I must have sat on a lot of tables in my day though,
because she said this to me a lot!
But, I still have only been married once,
and it's lasted 22 years & counting!)

I would love to hear some of the sayings you've heard from your mom over the years, or that you say to your kids? Come on, admit it. We all do it!

My Mom & Me! <3>

Happy Mothers Day!

1 comment:

  1. My Mom said:
    "Your face is going to freeze like that!"
    "Don't you roll your eyes at me, Missy."
    "You just wait." (Until I had kids? Until I grew up? I never knew what I was waiting for)

    I say:
    "Are you kidding me??"
    "I'm counting, boys.... 5.... 4...."

    Happy Mother's Day!!
