Thursday, May 13, 2010

Senior Year II - Prom Night

My oldest son Kyle graduated last year. But, his girlfriend of over 2 and a half years, Olivia, is a Senior this year. So he went to her Prom with her, they had a great time . . .

Olivia & Kyle



And Zach, who is a senior this year as well, wasn't sure he wanted to go to Prom, but finally decided to go, he asked Amanda, who (like Kyle) graduated last year, and ended up having an amazing time . . .

Amanda & Zach


Smart girl, wore converse with her gown!

Zach goofing off with his friend Ethan & their dates!

So cute!

Great memories to last a lifetime!


  1. These are great pics!!!

    I've got an award for you. Stop on by to pick it up.

  2. That looks so fun! You've got some good looking boys. Found you over at Drama Mama. As fun as that prom looks, I don't want my 5 kids to grow up yet...
