Saturday, May 29, 2010

Our Very Own Summer Reading Program

This weekend, Half Price Books is having their Memorial Day sale. Everything in the store is an additional 20% off. That's right, everything that is already half off, is now even cheaper! And as you know I Love Books. I, along with my husband John, son Zach & Daughter Erica have always loved to read. And recently my daughter Lexi came on board as well, you can read about her journey to reading here. My oldest son Kyle is another story. I don't know where I went wrong with that one! As with all my kids, I read to him constantly when he was little. Read about my struggles getting him to read here.

So yesterday, the first day of Summer break, John, Zach, the girls & I went to Half Price Books. We had so much fun! And this is what we came home with . . .

We all got books! 39 in all I think! All of which started at half price, some as low as $1.00 & $2.00, plus 20% off those prices! Cha Ching! I said we could start our own Summer Reading Program! All my kids have always joined those summer reading programs at our local library. As you can probably tell, all the Star Wars books belong to Zach, & the Mystery/Thriller pile belongs to John.

The question is always what to read first? Though I have my Book Club books to finish up before I can move on to my new ones. Some of these books I've been wanting to read for quite some time now. Here is my selection I got yesterday . . .

I can not tell you how excited this makes me! It's gonna be a fun summer! I've been really wanting to read Reading Lolita in Tehran, I found that there! Barefoot, Girls In Trucks, The Jane Austin Book Club & Julie And Julia as well. I've read Wicked, & wanted to pick up Confessions Of An Ugly Stepsister by the same author, I got it there! I've also read all the Confessions Of A Shopaholic books, their fun, so I picked up Undomesticated Goddess, by that same author! I also picked up all four of the Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants books, I know my girls will be wanting to read those soon!

And who has read The Lovely Bones? How scary is it? My almost 13 year old daughter, Erica, REALLY wants to read it. It was so cheap, I got it too. I'll probably read it myself before I decide if it's appropriate for her. But I would love to hear the thoughts & opinions of other readers & other mothers. Thanks.

So, what will you be reading this summer?


  1. Lovely Bones is fantastic. YOu could definitely let your 13 yr old read it. I didn't really find it scary at all. Even the "icky" parts are tastefully written. There is a little sex part, while not explicit, you definitely know what was going on, and the teenage sexuality awareness plays a small role as well. I wouldn't let my 10 yr old read it, but based on her maturity level at 13, I may let her read it then. I would definitely recommend you read it first though.

  2. Oh, and I want to read more books by the Firefly Lane author, the rest of the Accidental Mother series, and more of the Jodi Picault books as well as read all the Alex Cross books by James Patterson. There are A LOT of books out there I want to read.

  3. I loved Barefoot... she's a great author :)
