Thursday, June 3, 2010

Senior Year II - Graduation

My Baby Boy has Graduated from High School!
Our High School is so large we hold our Graduation
at Arizona State University.
There were 777 Graduating students.
That's a lot of names to call!

Here he is receiving his diploma!

Zach sang with his Choir sang during the ceremony. . .

He made it up on the Mega Tron!

After the Ceremony:

I am NOT old enough to be the parent of two college age young men!
You can read here about Kyle's graduation last year.
It's both exciting & heart breaking watching
your little boys growing into men.

The Proud Parents!

Zach with Aunt Pat & Grandma!
(John's sister & Mom)

We Are Family!

With the little sisters!

Lexi trying on the cap.

Erica seeing how it fits!

And Kyle's girlfriend of over two and a half years,
Olivia, Graduated from High School as well.

Kyle with The graduate.

Congratulations Olivia, We're so proud of you!

And guess who will be next? . .

It's official, the girls are now officially in Jr. High!
Say it ain't so!
You can help me prepare them for it here.