Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Little Starlet

Last week my 12 year old Daughter, Erica was watching Camp Rock (for probably about the hundredth time!) We'll she decided because she loves to sing so much, that she wanted to go to some sort of Music camp like that too. She has decided to give up playing the French Horn in the school band next year when she starts Jr. High, & to take Drama and/or Choir instead. Her twin sister Lexi, as you know, loves playing the Flute & will continue doing band. Even since school has been out this summer Lexi will be in her room practicing her Flute, without us ever having to ask her too. Just like her older brother Zach, who just the other day said to me "My friends want me to go swimming, but I really wanted to play the Guitar! I only got in 3 hours yesterday!"

Yes, everyone of my 4 kids & my husband are all very musical. If we were playing the old Sesame Street game of which one of these things doesn't belong here, it would be me! I am basically musically illiterate! But, as someone said to me just today: "Everyone needs a Fan!" And that is my job in life, to be my husbands & my kids biggest fan! And I'm really good at it! (If I do say so myself, and I do!) :)

So, Erica, all on her own, got on line & searched out local music camps she could possible attend. She sat us down & told us all about it. Giving her dad the website of the one she really wanted to go to, to check it out & make sure it was on the up & up! She REPEATEDLY told us how if we registered her by this certain date we would save 30%! She really wanted this! How could we say no?!

Doing the group performance of the song Happiness,
from Your A Good Man Charlie Brown.
The camp she chose was through Premiere Performing Arts Academy, right here in Gilbert, AZ. You can check out their website here. The camp she wanted to take was called Vocal Intensive. So, she went every night for a week, two hours each day. She was giving a solo & a group number to perform. She worked on it everyday. And on the last day of camp they did a performance for the family members. And of course she did great!

Erica singing her solo of A Change In Me,
from Beauty And The Beast.
The first day of her camp, I was giving her tips to try to help her not to be too shy & to make new friends, & her twin sister asked her "are you gonna tell people your a twin?" I thought that was cute. They do most things together, but definitely not everything! Lexi didn't act jealous at all that Erica got to do this, and was doing it alone. She was really supportive of her sister! I was proud of both my girls! And then, as we were leaving Erica's performance one of the schools owners, said to Lexi "You Rocked It Girlfriend! Great job tonight!" Lexi, like most twins learn to do, just simply said Thanks! Without taking the time to explain it was her sister, not her, who indeed had Rocked it! :)

Broadway Here We Come!

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