Sunday, August 1, 2010

Oh Brother!

This weekend we went down to Tucson to help my oldest brother, John Fink Jr. celebrate his retirement. He is retiring as Fire Chief of Golder Ranch Fire Dept. This is actually his second retirement, he became a Fire Chief after retiring from DPS as a police officer & paramedic. And that was after his stint in the Army. I guess you could say he is the Michael Jordan or Brett Farve of Public Safety. I Guess he couldn't decide what he wanted to be when he grew up! :)

A Golder Ranch Fire Truck outside of our Hotel
In Beautiful Tucson, Arizona

I told him this had better be a good party since I was missing Chelsea Clinton's wedding to be there! haha There were over 200 people at this party, including a Senator, a Mayor, a Councilmen, and a former Surgeon General. All colleagues & friends of his. Yeah, he's kinda a big deal! I mean being MY brother & all! :)

Me with my brothers: (Lft. to Rt.)
Marty, Richard, Me, The Guest of Honor John & Danny

(We're missing 1 Brother who lives out of state & couldn't be there!)

They had dinner, drinks, live music, dancing, (for me & my brothers anyway! We really know how to cut a rug! haha) a slide show, a presentation with lot's of people sharing what their chief has meant to them & to the department.

Will the real John Fink please stand up!

One of their guys did an impersonation of him. It was really hilarious, he nailed John's mannerisms & what they all lovingly called "Finkisms!"

Boys never outgrow wanting to play with Firetrucks!
I guess it's just like us girls & our Barbies.

For his retirement they gave him golf lessons (from a left handed golf pro, since John is left handed! Smart on their part) a new golf bag with the department's logo & "Chief Fink" printed on it. They gave him his Fireman's axe & made a really nice case/holder for it with a plaque & a place for his badge inside. It was really an awesome gift & presentation.

"Nice AXE!"

We always have a great time when we all get together. We ate, joked & laughed, filled each other in on our lives & what's going on with our kids, jobs, etc. Talked politics & solved all the worlds problems. Made fun of each other (some things don't change even after you've grown up!) "Do to!", "Do Not!", "Do to!"

All of us, with the Mom!

All of us at Breakfast the next morning.
(Lft. to Rt. around the table) Danny, Judy, me, Carla, John,
my Mom, Marty, Debbie, John, Richard & Cindy.


  1. Wow, I didn't realize people could retire twice!?? :)

    I hope that your brother lives a long and beautiful retired life, from this day forward! :)

  2. Congrats to your brother! Sounds like quite a party and quite an honor.

    I had no idea you have 5 brothers! That must have been "fun" growing up.
