Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Star In Hollywood!

I always knew I'd have my own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!
(Oh the magic of being married to someone who
knows his way
around a computer & Photo shop!)

We went to LA last week for vacation. We had a great time. It has been several years since we've taken an entire week off & went out of state together, as a family. And with both my boys now in college, who knows how many more opportunities we will have. This is the first of several posts I'm sure, to share our adventures with you. The first night we got to LA & checked into our hotel, then headed up to Hollywood! Where all Stars belong!

Me & the kids at Pinks!

Our first stop was the world famous Pinks Hotdogs. Where anyone who's anyone eats! And they've got the pictures on the walls to prove it. You stand in line & when you get to the counter it's just like the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld, you have to order a certain way, I could picture them if you didn't do it right saying "No Dogs For You!" We ordered 7 different kinds of dogs & sides, and without writing anything down, got it all just right! I had a Coleslaw Dog. Yummy!

Kyle at High Voltage!

Our next stop was High Voltage Tattoo Parlor, from the T.V. show LA Ink. John & Kyle would love to get their next tattoos there! Um, Better luck next time! :)

John in front of The Hard Rock Cafe on Hollywood Blvd.

Kyle, Lexi, Erica & Zach in Hollywood!

Then we made our way to Hollywood Blvd. to the Hollywood walk of fame. It's so much fun to walk the street & find the stars of your favorite Actors, Musicians, etc. And BTW there is an iPhone app that helps you locate the exact place of any particular Star you may be looking for! Here's some of our favorites:

Kyle with Johnny Depp!

The Beatles!

And of course, I had to take a picture of my favorite Patrick Swayze! :(

Kyle with Marilyn Monroe!

And our most favorite Star of them all:

This is Lexi & Erica last time we all went to Hollywood,
poising with the Star of Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen!

And this is Lexi & Erica again with the Olsen Twins' Star!
You really are seeing double! :)

We saw the famous Kodak Theater!

And no trip to Hollywood would be complete without Celebrity sightings!

The night we were there we didn't get to see all the hand prints in front of Graumans Chinese Theater, (and I have another really cute picture of my girls when they were little, with their hands inside the hand prints of Shirley Temple there!) because it was all blocked off as they were having a premier for the movie The Expendables. The red carpet was rolled out & lines of Limos were there to pick up the celebs. We hear the crowed yelling "Bruce, Bruce, over here!" Then 2 seconds later a Limousine drives right past us & we literally could have reached out our arm & put a hand flat on the window that had Bruce Willis' face on the other side of it. It happened so fast I couldn't get the camera out to capture our glimpse of Bruce Willis! Sorry. And it's not like it was Silvester Stallone! ;)

Then a couple nights later we were having dinner at Johnny Rockets in the City Walk, outside of Universal Studios. And had another Celebrity sighting.

My crappy camera is not very good, but the girl in the middle of this picture
(I was trying to take the picture discreetly & not appear to be a stalker!) is the girl who plays Adrian on The Secret Life Of The American Teenager! She was done eating & I was going to approach her & very politely ask her if she would mind taking a picture with my daughters, when she got up & left. I don't think my non stalker tactics worked!

This is her on T.V.
But I have to say after all the "talks" I've had with my girls
about how even the movie stars don't really look like they do on TV,
she really disappointed me; She is even Prettier IRL! UGH!
Her hair was straight and she wasn't all super made up.
And she was absolutely Beautiful!
I wish I had gotten a better picture of her.
My girls were excited they got to see her anyway!

Well, that's just 1 part of our great vacation. There is more to come! As they say in Hollywood: Stay Tuned!

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