Saturday, September 4, 2010

Jr. High

It's hard to believe my baby girls have started Jr. High School.
They could not wait for this day to get here! Me: not so much!
It's funny how they keep growing up
& I stay exactly the same age though isn't it?! :)

This was my baby girls' first day of school ever: Pre-school.
John & I taking our babies to school!
They couldn't wait back then either!
All Giggles!
Some things never change!

Erica on her first day of Jr. High School,
notice she still chose to wear Pink!
(Pink is her signature color!)

And Lexi ready for school,
in Blue again as well!
(Funny, she doesn't really wear Blue a whole lot!)

And last night they went to their very first Jr. High School Dance!
If you have, or know a girl starting Jr. High,
here is some advice from girls who have been there.

Erica! Looking Cute!
Lexi, Dressed up for the Dance!

I don't know that I'm ready for what comes next!


  1. Adorable! Then and now. Your girls look exactly like you!

    I was so nervous when my girls started middle school and it was a much better experience than I ever thought it would be. My oldest daughter did experience some "mean girls" issues, but it was fairly mild and it turned out to be a great learning experience for her. She is much better now about choosing friends and recognizing when someone is not being a good friend. Hang in there. You may be happily surprised!

  2. Hello Star! I am so excited you will be in my Virtual Roundtable group! Looking forward to connecting to you soon!
