Saturday, October 30, 2010


These past few months have been very hard for our family. My Husband & I both got laid off from our jobs, and we didn't know what we were going to do. Job hunting is a full time job in itself, only you don't bring home a pay check. There were so many unanswered questions: Would we be able to stay here in Arizona? Or would we have to move across the country, leaving our boys who are both in college here? And what happens if we don't find jobs? It's hard enough when it happens to one of you, but you have your partner there to encourage you & help keep you positive & upbeat, and give you the support that you need. But, when it's both of you at the same time It's that much harder. You're both frustrated, and get down at times (sometimes at the same time!)

Well, I had had enough! Both of us getting upset & not knowing what the future held for either of us. So I made a declaration: I told my husband, and I posted it on Facebook & on Twitter that October was going to be our month! October has always been a very special month in our family. My Husband was born on October 10th! (And this year it was 10/10/10!) We got married one week after his Birthday when he turned 21, on Sweetest Day, October 17th. 10 years after we got married, we had our twin baby girls, Erica & Alexia on October 3rd. So every October we celebrate the girls' Birthdays, then 1 week later we celebrate John's Birthday, & 1 week after that we celebrate our Wedding Anniversary, then of course 2 weeks latter is Halloween! That's a pretty good month, not to mention a pretty busy (& expensive) one!

But, I just had a feeling this October would be even more than that for us! It was our time! And I was right! I know we had a lot of people Praying for us, and after multiple job Interviews & waiting for the call backs & waiting & waiting, not only was I finally offered a job, but I was actually offered two jobs! :) I'm really liking my new job so far. It's a lot of fun & a great opportunity for me! And then this past week, John, who had taken a part time job at Starbucks, while between positions to help us get by, was offered a job too. He starts next month as the Music Pastor at a new Church! And to top it all off, it's right here. We don't have to move! Our kids get to stay in their schools where all their friends are. We are beyond excited for the great things that are happening in our lives! And when I posted that I knew October was gonna be our month, my little brother commented that for us it's "Rocktober!" I loved that & told him he just gave me the title for my Blog Post! :) And I just had to share all the great things happening for us with you. And I hope October has been as good to you as it has been to us. And let's keep Rocking On!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congratulations! October is definitely your lucky month.
