Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy HallowTEENS!!

My girls became teenagers this month, and we wanted to celebrate in a big way! So we threw a Halloween Birthday Bash! I figured with a costume contest & Trick or Treating, I wouldn't have to plan a bunch of party games. And we had a frightfully good time!

Erica was a Black Cat! "Meow!"
I can't help but notice how with all that eye make-up on
she looks a little too much like her mother! Scary!

Lexi was Tinkerbell!

Even our dog (the real Tinkerbell) got in on the act,
she was a ballerina!

It didn't last long!
She, unlike most of the family does not like to play dress up!

Kyle was a world cup soccer player.

We even talked Kyle's girlfriend Olivia into dressing up.
She's not quite into it like the rest of us, but we're working on it!
And doesn't she make the cutest cupcake?!

And of course I had to get in on the act as Farm girl!
I said "Howdy" a lot that night!

We had a Samurai.

A Butterfly.
The next day my house was still full of Glitter! :)

An 80's chick!
And you know how I <3 80="" br="" s="" the="">

A Pirate!
Arrr Matey!

A Guitar!
I gave her fair warning that my Husband John,
my son Zach, & Olivia are all guitar players.
And she may be taking her life in her own hands by coming here! :)

And the girl from the movie The Ring. :0

Zach was a mafia Body guard
making sure the girls were safe in the neighborhood.
Don't mess with him!

They all got so much candy!
We came home from Trick or Treating & they sorted it all out
& started trading what they didn't like for what they did!

The girls had a fun time celebrating becoming Teenagers with their friends!
And talk about scary, as a mom, having 2 teenage girls in the house! EEK!

Happy Birthday Erica & Lexi
And Happy HallowTeens!

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