Monday, November 14, 2011

In-Spite Vs. Inspire

Over on my About Me page you will find this paragraph: "I do not in any way think that I am a great mom. I might be a good mom (or at least a good enough mom)! But I do know that I have great kids! They are not perfect by any means, but they are great none the less. ~ I pray that some of why they got that way was "INSPIRED" by me, and I know that part of how they got that way was "IN-SPITE" of me!" No truer words have ever been spoken.

I take great pride in my children and I have been told many times over the years that I have Great Kids! And Trust me in this, like everyone else, my kids are flawed. And believe it or not, so am I! (You're shocked, I know!) :) Yet, God has truly Blessed me with 4 Amazing kids! I'm sure every parent feels that way. Or at least I hope they do, & that they let their kids know they feel that way!

I Blog about parenting, but am quick to admit, I am not the perfect parent. But nevertheless, In-Spite of me & all my flaws & shortcomings, I can post a Thankful Thursday about my family (scroll down to see it) who I am truly thankful for. They really do make me look good! :)

I looked up these two words (or phrases) In-Spite and Inspire. In-Spite of means that something happened even though something tried to prevent it. And Inspire is to stimulate to think, to act, to influence.

I pray I can Inspire my Husband, my Children, my extended Family & Friends, my co workers, and anyone I come in contact with, or who reads this Blog. An Inspiration is something that stimulates imagination & good will. I have always consciously tried to Inspire Imagination in my children, and they are dreamers! Just like their parents! :) And who has more influence over our children than we do? Especially while they are little.

But even as they grow up & become more & more influenced by those around them, like Friends, Teachers, Television, Movies, Etc. As their Parents, we still have great influence in their lives. We continue to help shape the people they are becoming, even when they are spreading their wings and it doesn't feel like they are listening to us. :)

Who can you Inspire today?!

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