Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday:A Family That Plays Together & Stays Together!

I can not convey to you just how Thankful I am for my Husband
of over 24 years
And our 4 Children! I Love my Family.

None of us would be who we are without the Love & Support of our Family!

We stick together through thick and thin!
The good times & the bad.

Loving & Supporting each other,
Every step of the way!

Being there to Laugh with you!
Or at you when the situation calls for it! :)
Or to be a shoulder to cry on when you need one.

The day looms ever closer when my boys will be ready to leave the nest.
I'm not looking forward to that day,
But I know it won't change who we all are to each other.

I'm not the best Wife/Mother there is,
but they all make even me look good!

I'm glad that we can be, and are
A real Support System for each other!

I love my Family more than words can say!
And today, and everyday I am beyond Thankful that they are mine!

1 comment:

  1. This is so precious! I hope that when we start having kids that our family is as close as yours is : ) P.S. Thanks so much for following my blog. I'm so glad I found yours! You seem so sweet!
