Saturday, November 5, 2011

We All Need A Little Insurance Sometimes!

We went to a friends Costume party on Halloween. We ate, played games, sat around a fire pit & handed out candy to neighborhood kids, while ours went around the neighborhood as well. It was a lot of fun!
I wanted to come up with good (& inexpensive) costume ideas. I though I'd go as Flo, the Progressive Insurance lady, and John could be the Geico caveman, but he'd need a wig to cover his bald head! :) Then a commercial came on for Allstate Insurance, with Mayhem, the guy who causes all the accidents & wallah! He wore a suit & the best part of the day I got to beat him up! :) He ended up with a scar on his forehead, a band-aid on his cheek & a big ole black eye & a little blood running out of his mouth! For Flo, my daughter Erica straitened my hair & there was a whole lot of teasing going on, to make that big ole poof! I found a blue headband at the dollar store & a plain white apron at Hobby lobby for under $5.00! Kyle made & printed out the name tags & Guess What?! We won the best couples Costumes & a Walmart Gift card! Yay Us!! And we saved on a bundle on Insurance! Ha ha.
Lexi, my little Flower Child, went as a Hippie! No surprise there for anyone who knows her! She looked so cute! "Peace Out Man!" And Erica had the brilliant idea, (which Zach claims he thought of first) at the girls' Paris Birthday Party, to be The Eiffel Tower! Look how cute it turned out . . .
And she also won a prize for the most Creative Costume! Her hair is the only thing holding the Eiffel Tower on her head! She braided it around the legs! Magnifique!
"It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's Superman!" Or rather Zach, as Clark Kent himself! Though he's having a hard time finding a phone booth now a days!
Kyle decided to go as a Tourist! As always, Living Aloha! "Hang Loose Dude!"

We hope you all had a Happy & Safe Halloween as well. And now that we've all eaten our weight in candy, admit it, you know you have! Let's bring on the Holidays! I'm already listening to Christmas music! Yeah, that's how I roll! :)


  1. Love, love, love Flo and Mr. Mayhem costumes. So creative! Glad you won best couples costume! Btw, I recognize that Eiffel tower from Bath and Body Works. My daughter and I saw the large one as a display in our local store and wondered what happens to them when the store is done with them. Do they ever give/sell them to customers? It would be perfect in our basement "teen lounge".

  2. Thanks! And Yes, sometimes if we don't have to save the props for latter use we will sell them to customers (or employees) for just a dollar or two. The Eiffel towers they have us saving to continue using. I think they did an Eiffel tower give away on Facebook. You can ask at your local store!
