Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday: Even A Mom Needs A Mom!

Two years ago I started a tradition here on my Blog, I call it Thankful Thursday's. Where every Thursday during the month of November I will Blog about something I am Thankful for! You can read my previous years' entries here & here, then just scroll down through the months posts.
And well . . . It's Back!

I spend a lot of time talking about being a Mom.
But, even a Mom needs a Mom!
Today (and Everyday) I am Thankful for mine!

My Mom, Pat Fink, just celebrated her 80th Birthday!
Happy Birthday Mom!
You are & always will be Forever Young!

Family Portraits:
(My Mom in red gingham! and yes, that's me in the yellow ruffles!)

(At my Brother's Wedding, 25 years ago)

(Our last Family Portrait before loosing my Sister & my Dad)

My Mom & I with 4 of my Brothers at her 80th Birthday Party this weekend!

I have always loved the relationship between my Parents & my Children.
They have always shared a special bond.
I never really knew my Grandparents.
And am so Thankful that my kids know theirs, and are close to them.

Grandma's Girls . . .



My Mom taught me how to be a Mom!
I couldn't be Me, without Her!
Thank you Mom, for Everything . . .

Three Generations!
Me, My Mom, & My Daughters,
Dancing through Life together!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, you got my this morning with this one! In five days it will be 3years that I lost my mom, and everyday I wish she was here. I know she sent me Desi, because mom knew all I ever wanted was to be a MOM! You are right, even a MOM needed a MOM...Love to you, Judy
