Yes, on this Thankful Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, I am Thankful for the Holidays! Especially Christmas! I LOVE all things Christmas! The Movies: some of my favorites are It's a Wonderful Life, The Family Man, Elf, A Christmas Story, White Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Jingle All the Way, (this list could go on forever, so I'll stop there.) I love the decorations & the lights, the traditions we do together as a family like going to see Christmas lights, getting the kids picture taken with Santa (yes even at this age!) making cookies.
I love the music: too many favorites to name! I really don't get people getting upset at hearing Christmas music before Thanksgiving! I mean you think I had committed the unpardonable sin. And come on, there is no Thanksgiving music! You listen to "regular" music 11 months of the year, and Christmas music for maybe 4 weeks. But if I turn on the Christmas music before Thanksgiving look out. People on the rampage! I think Christmas music just lifts your spirits! Even here in Phoenix, in the middle of summer with the temperature at 122 degrees, if someone is having a Christmas in July sale & you hear a little Jingle Bells, it just makes you happy & brightens your day! Am I wrong? No. And Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, are all part of the Holiday season. And I think Christmas music celebrates them all. I'm not skipping Thanksgiving or forgetting about it by turning the Christmas music on early! I'm just enjoying it more!
It's never too early for Christmas in my opinion. And working in retail only confirms that theory. Retail of course is always a season ahead. If you wait till summer to start shopping for a bathing suit, you'll have a hard time finding a good one, cause there gone! And the Holidays start early in retail, we have to be ready when the shoppers are! That's why you'll always see items out early, if stores waited until you were ready to start decorating, you couldn't find what you needed, and everyone would be fighting to get what they want when they need it. So lets stop the complaining! This is the time to be Merry! When my family came to visit my Bath & Body Works store right after Halloween, and saw how it was decorated for the Holidays & that we were playing Christmas music, the first words out of their mouths was "This is the perfect place for you to work!" :) And their right. And It really is the most wonderful time of the year!
There really is something to The Christmas Spirit!
People are just more Thankful & Giving!
Have a wonderful day today with those you love.
Have a wonderful day today with those you love.