Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The 12 Days Of Christmas Movies: Samantha An American Girl Holiday

In my last post I mentioned the American Girl Dolls. My Daughters & I Love them! They take stories of young girls throughout American History, make Dolls of them & write books telling their stories. It inspires girls to read & to play with dolls (two of my Favorite things!) :) But my Favorite is Samantha. When my girls were little we got them the Dolls & Books of Samantha & her best Friend Nellie! The Samantha & Nellie Dolls are now retired. And though my girls are now Teenagers, they still have their American Girl Dolls & Books, and will probably have them till they have Daughters of their own to pass them on to.

A few years ago we even have had An American Girl Doll Birthday Party. Then they decided to expand & make Movies of their stories. And I must say these Movies are done so well & are all great movies! Kit is the latest one & was released in Theaters, Molly & Felicity were released on video only, like the first one they did, which is of course my favorite, It's Samantha An American Girl Holiday. And it is today's 12 Days Of Christmas Movies selection.

Set in 1904, Samantha (played by Anna Sophia Robb, of Soul Surfer) a girl of wealth who lives with her grandmother, who she calls "Grandmary" (I don't know why, but I just love that! After I read Little Women as a girl I started calling my Mom "Marmie" because they do in the book!) :) Nellie, along with her Father & 2 younger sisters move in next door as her neighbors servants. The 2 girls become fast friends. Samantha sharing her life of privilege & teaching Nellie how to read, & Nellie teaching Samantha how to do things like beat rugs, darn socks, etc. The two girls become very close.

Aunt Cornelia: They're not supposed to separate the families.
Nellie: Ma'am, they do a lot of things they're not supposed to do.

But Nellie's Father dies after an illness & she and her sisters are sent to a terrible orphanage until Samantha sneaks them out & hides them in her attic. Nellie secretly takes a job in a factory to earn money to support her & her sisters until Samantha tracks her down & speaks out against Child labor. Samantha just wants a sister for Christmas, & her uncle & his new wife adopt the girls & the best friends finally do become sisters! It is such a good Movie! (much better than I am making it sound, trust me) I highly recommend all the American Girl Doll Movies! They promote Girl Power! Which any mother of Daughters hopes to instill into her girls.

Nellie: First snow. Do you think we're dreaming?
If we are, I hope I never wake up.

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