Wednesday, July 4, 2012

25 Years In The Making!

This October we will celebrate 25 years of Marriage. We Honeymooned in San Diego, California. Well, we just took a Family Vacation & went back to the same place. We had such a good time!

(Us at "Our Restaurant" on the water!)

The first day we got there, we went to Sea Port Village, it's some cute little shops & places to eat right on the water. As we were walking we spotted the restaurant we had eaten at on our Honeymoon. It's where I discovered my favorite seafood; Mahi Mahi! It's also where we first tasted Shark & Swordfish! Great memories!

 (Kyle at the Pirate Shop)

 (Our Beautiful Daughter Erica)

 (Little Lady Lexi)

 (Zach & his Girlfriend, Kendra, having a Titanic moment!) :)

They have an old fashioned Carousel there which we rode together on our Honeymoon as well. And we were talking about if someone had told us we'd be back 25 years latter, having been through so much & having had 4 Children, ages 14 - 21, we probably wouldn't have believed them. So of course we made our kids all ride the Carousel with us! :) 

 (Lexi on the Carousel)


 (Kendra & Zach)

 (Kyle, with my Nephew's little boy, Rylind)

 (John & I, 25 Years Latter! And still in Love!)

It was a great way to start our Vacation out! Reliving the Memories of the past while making new ones with our kids!


  1. What a great way to celebrate!!! Happy 25th soon!!! Love you guys!

  2. Congratulations and happy 25th!
