Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sea World

 We had a Great day at Sea World 
while we were in San Diego, California

 This was the last time I was at Sea World, 
it was my boys first time there!
That's me in the pink top, my oldest son Kyle in the striped overalls
& my other son Zach in the stroller.
We're with my Mom & Dad, my sister Debbie & brother in law Tom,
who are all in Heaven now. 
Also pictured are my Nieces Alysha & Morgan.

 This is our family now! 
And this was my girls first time to Sea World!

 The kids with Zach's girlfriend Kendra! 

My Nephew Justin, his lovely wife Stefaney & their son Rylind
This was Rylind first trip to Sea World as well! 

 My "little" brother Richard & his Beautiful wife Cindy
with Shamu! 
 I don't know who's more scared, Rylind or Shamu?! :)

 The Shamu show! 

 Twins on a Turtle! :) 

My sister & I back then "being" Flamingos! :)

My girls, my Niece Alarie & I honored Debbie with our Flamingo stance! 

 John & all the kids were in line to ride this Rollercoaster,
they were next to get on when it broke down! 
And it never re-opened that day! :(

 But they did ride this one!

And got soaked, for the 2nd time that day!

But Sea World now has dryers you can stand in & get blown dry! :) 

The Dolphin Show! 

 Kendra getting up close & personal with a Sting Ray!

 The Seal & Sea Lion Show!

 And don't worry, we found Nemo! 

 Crazy Cousins! 
Kyle & Alarie on the Baywatch boat!

 Lexi & Erica take it for a spin!

 Kendra & Zach being cute! :)

Surf's Up! 
Us "Hanging Ten!" 

 Okay, maybe it's my name, but I have a thing for Starfish! 

This was my Favorite picture from that first trip to Sea World, 
of Zach & I with a Starfish! 
He wanted to reenact this photo, 
but if he sat on my lap now you wouldn't see me! :) 

Our new friend! 

 Kyle at the Starfish pond! 

 Lexi & Alarie getting in there! 

 Erica Starr with her Starfish! 

 Watching Shamu form underneath! 

The girls doing what they do: Tweeting or Texting, 
while Shamu tries to read what they are saying about him!

 I had a Brilliant idea if I do say so myself (and of course I do!)
I had everyone turn & look at me then when Shamu swam by I'd get a shot. 
As you can tell, the first attempt was cute, but not perfect. 
So I had them all "sit down, face me, 
hold that pose, keep smiling, don't turn around.
I'll let you know when Shamu is about to swim by."
People were laughing at us! 
Until they saw my shot that is . . .

 Best shot of the day! 
Back Row: Kyle, Zach, 
Justin, Rylind (the only one that turned around!) & Stefaney.
Front Row: Kendra, Alarie, Lexi & Erica
That was so nice of Shamu to cooperate with us wasn't it?!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a blast! I'd love to feature this post on our San Diego-based site. Email me for details!

    shondra (at) dwellable (dot) com

