Saturday, July 14, 2012


Though I love the Movie of the same name, this Blog post is not about that. Sorry, Bette Midler fans!  I had to interrupt my Vacation posts to celebrate my sons Birthday, so I'm now returning to Vacation. (And I sure do wish that was meant literally!) 

No trip to California would be complete without a trip to the Beach. I heart the Beach! And though we live in the Arizona Desert, we have instilled in our kids a love of the Beach as well! On this trip to San Diego we tried a new Beach on Coronado Island. It was absolutely Beautiful! 

Beach Baby's:





 And Yours Truly

 My nephew Justin, his wife Stefaney & son Rylind

 My "baby" Brother Richard, playing with Rylind, his Grandbaby! :)

 Rylind not only loved the Beach, but the sand itself! 
I'm sure he took some of it home with him! :)

 This is how I spent most of the day on the Beach! 
Barefoot in the sand, reading a good Book called Barefoot! 
True Bliss!
And I had the sunburn to prove it! 
The kids had a great time catching crabs!
They are braver than I am!

 Kyle took this picture with his iPhone!

After spending an Amazing day on the beach, we went back to the hotel to get cleaned up a little! Everyone jumped in the hotel pool to help get the sand off of us! Then it was off to Mission Beach for dinner & to watch the Sunset on another Beautiful Beach!
 No, that's not Frankie & Annette, it's us! :) 

 Richard & Cindy, just like Danny & Sandy: Summer Lovin! :)

And Gidget: Alarie! :)
(I told you I love the Beach, guess that includes Beach Movies too!)

 Erica jumping for Joy to be in one of her favorite places!

 Listen carefully; when the sun hits the water, you can hear it sizzle! :) 

 "Zach & Kendra, sittin on a Beach!"
Oh, I guess that's supposed to be sittin in a tree,
but, you gotta admit, the Beach is way better! :)

 My Beautiful girls! 

 This picture reminds me of the Movie: City Of Angels!
(The Angels watching the sunset, in this case are; Stefaney, Alarie, Lexi, Kyle & Erica)

 Love this picture of Alarie! 

 And this one of Zach & Kendra. 

 Another Cool shot!

 God's artwork! 

The next day before we hit the road headed home, we went back to Coronado Island. It's such a cute little town. We walked & shopped & had lunch there. 

 John got a great deal on a bike!
And they shipped it to Arizona for free!
All our kids have & ride bikes, guess this means I'll be next. 
(My legs are sore already!)

 You know I love Starfish, and you know, I also love Christmas, 
well, I found a Starfish Christmas Ornament! I love it!
So before we left, we went to say our Goodbye's to the Beach, 
and I had to take a pic of my Starfish on the Sand! :)
Now I'll have a little of Summer for Christmas!

 Time spent on the Beach with my Family means
this Beach Bunny's heart is full!

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