Monday, July 30, 2012

Farewell Retail!

Yes, it's true. I am saying goodbye to Retail . . .
as a Career, not as a Therapy! :) 

I started working Retail my first job right out of High School! (Just a few years ago, mind you!) I worked for Lerner's (which is now New York & Co. BTW) I've also worked for J.C. Penny's, The Boston Store & Casual Corner. Name a Mall in the Greater Phoenix area & I've worked it! Once I got married I moved to office work for the more consistent hours. Then once I had kids, I chose to stay home with them.

When my kids got older & I wanted to move back into the work force, having enjoyed retail, I went back to it. If you are a reader of my Blog you know, in recent years, I've Managed a Clothing Store, then moving on to Bath & Body Works & now at Specialty shops in the Phoenix Airport.

Working at the Airport is fun! It's different from day to day and you meet people from all over the world. I'll Blog soon about some of what I've witnessed while there! But there are some issues that come with it; living in a major city, the commute to the airport is about 40 to 45 minutes. I park in the garage at Terminal 3 & take a shuttle to Terminal 4. So I leave home an hour before I'm scheduled to be at work. So even if I work a 7 hour shift, I'm gone 9. And the money I spend in gas really adds up. And the major issue for me is the Airport is open EVERY day of the year! Holiday's included. I've worked Memorial Day, Father's Day & the 4th of July! When you have a family that doesn't work so well. With school starting back up soon for my girls, if I work every Weekend & every Holiday, I'd never seen them! That doesn't work for me.

So, I am embarking down a new Career Path. I've gotten a job at Desert Schools Federal Credit Union, starting out as a Teller & working up from there! And I couldn't be more excited! It's close to home, a 15 or 20 minute drive, which means much less gas money & time away. They are not open on Sundays and as a Pastor's wife, you can guess how important that is to me. And 11 paid Holiday's a year! :) It's a good company with great Benefits!

I'm very grateful for this opportunity. It's a good move for me & a great one for my family!


  1. Congratulations Star!!!! I'm so happy for you!

  2. So thrilled for you, Star! Life is made of many chapters, write this new one like it's part of the best seller you've already started.

  3. That is MAJOR news! No one deserves this more than you. Good Luck on your new career. I think it's a perfect fit for them and YOU :)

    XOXOXOX Judy

  4. Great news Star - sounds like a much better fit for your family. Congratulations.

  5. Sooo Happy for you Star!!! Totally agree with Judy Rogers! Perfect fit n no one deserves it more than you <3
