Thursday, March 14, 2013

My First Time Guest Blogging!

A good Friend of mine, Chet DeRouen asked me to
Guest Blog on his site, Why Am I Gay? 
He has been very Brave & Courageous, yet Vulnerable,
as he Honestly shares his life & struggles.

He asked me, as a Mom, as a Christian, as a Pastor's Wife,
to share how I raise my Children to be Loving &
Accepting of others who are different than they are. 
Weather that be being Gay, or of other races, Handicapped, etc. 

I was very Honored that first of all that he thought
I had raised my kids this way! :) 
And secondly that He would Trust me enough to give me Voice on his site. 
Again, let me say how Brave he is! :) 

I've been overwhelmed by the response I've gotten on Facebook.
To be honest with you I was prepared for all the Haters
to sink their teeth into me, 
but thankfully that didn't happen! (not yet anyway!) :) 

So read it if you dare! 
Just click on the Title of the Post here:
Raising Kids Towards Love & Acceptance
And leave some Love & Laughter from our site to his. 

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