Thursday, March 7, 2013

One Year Without A Mom

One year ago my Mother went away.

My world is not the same without her in it.

I miss her every day.

I want to talk and I want her to hear.

I want my kids to have her in their lives.

Their future spouses and kids will never know her.

How can that be?

It's just not right.

One year. 

Is a year too long.

One year without a Mom.


  1. Star,
    you are now the matriarch over your family. They will all know your mom, through you. You will keep her memory alive and be that godly example they will cherish. Praying for peace, comfort and wisdom for each and every day!
    Love you!

  2. Star, Freds mom passed away when she was 48yrs old. Fred was 20yrs at that time 29 yrs ago. She did not know alot of us as inlaws or many of her grand/great kids. I did not have the privilege to have a mother in law but you can ask any of us or the grand kids about her and they will talk to you like if they personally knew her. Her children keep her memories and traditions till this day alive. She was an amazing woman that touch and still touching many lives. Keep your mother living thru you so you kids and your kids kids will always know her like she was still here. <3
