Thursday, May 30, 2013

Five Years!

Five Years ago Today, I posted my very first Blog Post! Can you believe it?! A lot has happened in our lives in these past Five Years! I feel like we've been through a lot! And Thank You so much for coming along on my Journey!

To take a look back in time; Here's where it all started. We've come a long way Baby! :) You've watched my Teenage Boys become men, and my Baby Girls grow into Young Ladies! My kids were all so young when I first introduced them to you . . . see them here. When I first started Blogging my boys were in High School, and now they both have Associate Degrees! My girls were still in Elementary School, & now have just finished their Freshman year of High School! Together we've shed some Tears and shared a lot of Laughs along the way!

This thing called Parenting, can take a lot out of you, demand a lot from you, but you get so much more back than you ever thought possible! As a Mom, I've wanted to stop time. Keep my kids from growing up so fast. At least with having this Blog, I can keep the Memories close! (Or out in Cyberspace! Same difference!) :) So, what do you say; lets see where the next Five Years takes us?!

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