Sunday, May 19, 2013

Our Second College Graduation!

We have our second College Graduate! 
Yay Zach!
Zach got a full ride scholarship 
and now has his Associate Degree with no financial dept what soever!
(Thus far!) :)

 He attended Chandler Gilbert.
And will now continue his Education at Arizona State University!

 He actually finished & got his Degree in December, 2012.
He has an Associate in Science.

  But he walked with his class in May. 
It was outdoors on the Campus, thankfully before it got to hot!

 His proud parents! 
It's nice to know your kids are smarter than you are! :) 

 Proud Brother & Sisters!
Kyle, Lexi & Erica.

 Hope he can hear us screaming from where we were sitting!
 We are pretty loud! :)

 He Graduated with Highest Distinction! 
And a 4.0 GPA!

 The pictures aren't the best cause it was late at night & very windy, 
which is better than being 100+ degrees,
which in AZ, it could easily have been!

 Zach & his best Friend Jordan have now shared 3 Graduations;
 Jr. High, High School & now Community College.
And in 2 - 3 years they could have a 4th from ASU!

Next step; a Bachelors Degree in Applied Biological Sciences
in Wildlife and Restoration Ecology. (now that's a mouthful!)

We Love you & are so Proud you Zach! 

1 comment:

  1. Woot Woot!! Congrats to the graduate. And best of luck at ASU!
