Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Homecoming Is The New Prom!

Yes, it's true, Homecoming is becoming the new Prom! When I was in High School (just a few years ago, mind you!) ;) You had the Homecoming Football Game, then stayed after for the Dance. You might get asked, by a guy walking up to you at school & saying something like "Hey, you wanna go to the dance with me?" to which you'd answer either "sure" or "um, I have to wash my hair that night!" :) But that is no longer how it goes my Friends . . .

One day at School, Lexi walked into the Band room
to find Jacob standing by her Locker
He was holding a little box wrapped in Hearts & Ribbon . . . 
Inside was candy & some cut out letters, that when put together spelled out
How sweet is that?! 

Today, you get asked to go to Homecoming in a special way. You buy a Fancy Dress, shoes, jewelry, etc. I am told by my Daughters that the difference is you wear a short dress for Homecoming & a long dress for Prom! Duh, Mom! :) Then on the day of Homecoming, which is now on Saturday, after the Friday night Homecoming Football game, you might go to a Friends house to get ready together. This year my girls' friend Penny came to our house for Lexi to do her hair & Erica to do her Make-up!

Lexi & Jacob, his Brother Zach & Penny


Then you & a group of your Friends meet at a local Park for a Photo Shoot! Now remember we live in Arizona, other states might not be as lucky to have such good weather in October! And there are tons of kids there from many different schools taking Pictures! And as a side note from a Mother's point of view, I'm very thankful that my girls & their friends all dress pretty modestly. Some of the dresses we saw at the park, look like what you'd see in the Real Housewives, or on a Kardashian! Yikes! Way too grown up for High Schoolers, in my opinion.

Marching Band Girls Rock!
Penny, Alexis, Lexi & Kelsey

Kelsey unfortunately blew her knee out in Marching Band
But still looked Beautiful in her wheelchair!

Beautiful Besties!
Lexi & Kelsey

Last year when my girls were Freshmen, it was our first experience with Homecoming and I wasn't sure about the whole corsage thing. (I think it probably has more to do with the boys Mother weather or not he gets one for his date) So since Jacob gave Lexi one last year, this year we did a Boutonniere for him as well this year.

He did an amazing job of matching her dress!
Her Corsage was so Beautiful! 
(She still has the one he gave her last year as well)

She had a difficult time pining his on!

Then after all the pictures at the park with each of the families, the dates go out to dinner someplace. In our case the Boys' parents drove Jacob & Lexi, Zach & Penny to Olive Garden to meet up with some more of their friends. And then on to the Dance at the School. I know some who go all out, even renting Limo's, yes for Homecoming! (like I said; The New Prom!)

 Erica who was our Photographer for the night 
with Friends from her Sign Language class!
 She didn't want to go to Homecoming this year, 
so she & I went & got Pedicures instead! :)  

 Mommy's Girl!
At least thats what I keep telling myself! ;) 

All the kids looked Great! And had such a good time! They just grow up way to fast! And Homecoming is just one of the Many Great Memories they will make throughout these High School years! 

Here's Looking At You!

 Say "Cheese!"

Silly Selfies! :) 

Happy Homecoming!

1 comment:

  1. Star, how lovely! My daughter's in 5th grade so I'm watching all of this very closely. I sure hope by time she goes to a Homecoming dance I'm as calm and collected as you are. Just seeing these young girls grow up over the past 4 years has been amazing. I know I just know them from the blog but what a sweet group of gals.
