Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday! Sisters!

November is here again, how did that happen so fast?! And with the month of November comes Thankful Thursdays! It's where every Thursday of November I Blog about things I'm Thankful for, and hopefully Inspire you to be a little more Thankful in your everyday life.

Today I'm Thankful for Sisters!
There's nobody like a Sister!
It's a Special Relationship.
You share things that only you know,
You can tell her things you can't tell anybody else.

I lost my only Sister, Debbie, to cancer in 2001
I miss her all the time, but especially in November.
November 3rd is her Birthday
And Thanksgiving was her Favorite Holiday! 

And I am so Blessed as a Mother 
to watch my girls experience the Sister Bond!
Yes, all Sisters disagree & argue at times, 
but there's no one closer!

 Something Unique about my Family 
is that my Grandmother had 2 Daughters:
my Aunt Molly & my Mom Pat. 
My Mom had 2 Girls: My Sister Debbie & I. 
Debbie had 2 Daughters: Shawna & Stormy. 
My Niece Shawna has 2 Girls: Alysha & Amanda. 
Stormy also has 2 Girls: Morgan & Shay. 
And I have 2 Daughters myself: Erica & Alexia. 
I have told my girls, they can have 0 Sons up to 5 Sons,
it doesn't matter, but they WILL have 2 Daughters! 
It's in our Genes! :)
I firmly believe that 
Every Girl Needs A Sister! 

On Debbie's Birthday I was looking through my Memory Box
and I found this:
It's a Poem Debbie wrote for me,
and it's in her own Beautiful Handwriting

 It's one of my most prize possessions
I can't tell you how Thankful I am to have it!

My Sister was 13 when I was born
I wanted to be with her all the time!

Mother & Daughters 80's Style! ;)
We got closer as I got older!

Weather your 13 years apart, like Debbie & I were,
or 4 minuets apart like my girls are,
Sisters share a Special Bond.
Today & Everyday I'm thankful for mine!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how sweet. Never knew we all had 2 daughters in common and Morgan is having another girl too! My mom loved you soooooo very much and so do I!! Stormy Shelly
