Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Marriage!

 Well this is the last Thankful Thursday of the Month!
That is sad, but I hope you let it serve as a reminder
that There is Always something to be Thankful for! 
Today & Everyday!

Today I am Thankful for Marriage!

My Husband and I have been Married now for just over 26 years! 
I cant imagine doing Life without him!
He makes everything in life better!
We both had great examples of what a Good Marriage Looks like,
Both sets of our parents were Married for 50 plus years,
until death did they part.

(This was us at our Wedding,
with My Parents & Johns Parents Oct. 17th, 1987)

Today is Thanksgiving,
and as I sit around the Thanksgiving table with our Families,
I am Thankful for my Parents & and for my In-Laws
and the love they had for each other,
the Families that they started
and the traditions we all still carry on today. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

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