Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Parenthood!

One of the things I am most Thankful for is Parenthood!

And even though it is my Favorite show of all time,
and the Best Show On T.V.! 
I'm not talking about the television show.
(Though it really is a great show, if you're not watching it start now!
then you will be Thankful to me for recommending it!) :) 

No, I'm talking about Actual Parenthood! 
There is nothing in life that is Harder, more Difficult or Scary!
Yet there is nothing in life that is more Rewarding, Fulfilling or Fun!

Today is one of those fun times!
My girls & I will be spending the day together
hanging out in line for the Catching Fire Movie Premier!
Catching Fire is the sequel to The Hunger Game
It's one of our Mother/Daughter things we do and I love it! 

Yes, Parenthood is an Adventure! 
But I wouldn't want to be on that Adventure with anyone else! 

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